ICC Chairman
You don't have to use taxis, but you can hail one, get in, set your destination and then skip the journey and the game takes a few seconds to load and then comes back at the destination you set.
The hand to hand combat system is "ok", no more, it's not majorly different from the older GTA games apart from seperate buttons to punch and kick, a button to dodge/counter and of course the Euphoria physics. One thing that's fairly annoying about it though, is that people seem to go into "fight mode" and this stops the physics engine working on them properly until they die.
You can't run and keep up with cars now (may lead to more "tactical" stealing of cars, such as standing in front of it when it's stopped and pointing a gun at the driver), you can't just run out into the middle of a road either without looking - you will get hit by a car.
There's still a lot to see in Liberty City, it's a very well made City for a game, probably the best structured/most realistic in terms of layout and density of any game, and you can have loads of fun just pushing people off drops/jumping out of moving cars/off building/out of helicopters to see the physics engine in action.
GTA London would be good, I just hope they don't add a realistic amount of traffic if they did make it, it would be quicker to walk around! I think the next one may well be a remake of Vice City or San Andreas, which I actually wouldn't mind, especially if it was Vice City (just speculating of course, nothing to base this on).
Well, at least they've sorted out the slow traffic! Maybe someone will figure out a mod to implement that in the other GTA games?
You said it's quite a short game. After you've finished with the missions, is it more or less fun than the other GTA games to just go round Liberty doing your own thing?
Why don't Rockstar implement the combat from 'Bully' (which is also a Rockstar game)??