
You'll never know until you try it. Besides, if it doesn't look good you can just dye it your natural colour again. I've gone from blonde to brown so many times.
No wonder she was blonde a few years ago, :p now shez ginga'.
I bet people like 'pup' who have nice hairstyles use products that are unheard of to us minions.
however if i was him, i'd change my hair every season, or every match ;).
We get the point Lee, you hate trying to make yourself look good, so choose not to style your hair (or cut it by the looks of your last picture ;)) or shave. Having a decent hair style helps make you who you are imo, and people with boring hairstyles often have that personality from experience. Matt for example, bit of a crazy, extrovert fashion sense and hair style, and his personality follows suit. Matthew Pritchard, similar in that way, extrovert style and hair cut, extrovert and awesome character. Your choice of hair style moulds the type of person that you are, so Lee, get it sorted ;)
Being compared to Matt Pritchard am I? I've never been happier in ym entire life.
How this was put aside under the crock of **** that was the Indian race row is disgraceful.
You're the Pritchard of the forums mate thats for sure. Well you will be once you swap the football boots for some cowboy boots ;)
I do have a pair of cowboy boots actually, but the last time I wore them was when it was absolutely twatting it down with rain and they've sort of shrunk.

And Ani is right, it's annoying how some bloody racism thing has overshadowed what really matters in the world; having a quality barnet.
Haha. I don't put product on my hair when i'm just around the hosue either. I'm not that vein. ;)

That's why it was so easy havin longer hair. Just stick an alice band in and your done.
Me, boring? You silly man! I live on the edge me, it's all green tea and BBC Parliament.

I do have my hair cut! A trim every month. In fact, I am having one this Thursday.

And no, I don't shave, I am so close to the Lawro look (and the longer you leave it, the less you have to shave)
Yeah but Lee your always making a point that you don't care how you look.

Looks make you who you are so does how you dress.
Yeah but Lee your always making a point that you don't care how you look.

Looks make you who you are so does how you dress.

I make a point that I don't care about how I look because I find it odd when people say on here they do care how they look.

At school today, I had my smart new Adidas back pack and my snazzy new Umbro football boots in my stylish new Nike boot bag. I like things that look good, but spending 30 minutes on your hair in the morning? No.

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