
yup, people with no "feelings" :(.. kidding.

sorry peeps no more of that.
As people know, I run some product through my hair before I go out. But to be honest I don't spend too much time on it.
All I want to do is electrify people, not make a huge statement. :p
Yeah but do you keep every strand in the same place? Maybe obsessive compulsive perhaps?;)
Yeah but do you keep every strand in the same place? Maybe obsessive compulsive perhaps?;)
The good thing about my product is that in a few minutes of styling, every strand is kept in place. I must say that it is certainly a hair raising experience. :)
Right, fellow cool members of PC (no Lee, you're not included ;)). I was watching Dirty Sanchez movie last night and was thinking how awesome Pritchard's hair is, the blonde mohican and it made me consider getting myself a new style. I dont want such a drastic change such as going for a Pritch mohican, but there was a style i'd like to put forward as a definite option to see what you think, here's a perfect image of the style i'm possibly looking to emulate:


No, not the geeky style of Chris Read, or the shaggy look of Hoggard, but the awesomeness of the Jimmy Anderson hair style. I currently have a normal fringe with the spiked up back, and am abit bored of it, if my hair cut isnt right it's just a nightmare to get right, here's a pic of my current style anyway:


So, the question is, do I stick with the current style, or go for a change ? If i go for a change, would you advise any decent gel or wax ? i currently use VO5 hair gel which is alright, but a nightmare to get out of your hair, whats the best wax to use, i could do with one that makes your hair easily mouldable, but also one that sticks in your hair all day, any tips ? Any ideas for any other possible styles ?

Thanks :D
Well the style i've got now (my hair grows like a firrging disease) is very similar to that Anderson one above. NEVER use any gels if you want it to look like that. Stick to pastes, putties gums clays and wax. You'll need hairspray to hold give it that hold and depth as well. As far as particular brands go, these are the products I choose from everyday;




Well that's where your wrong, because some styling products actually have a positive effect on long-term hair growth.
I know I was just messin ;)

One question befor applying this stuff do you wet your hair and then 'towel dry' it because I can't apply it to my head without wetting it and it still looks crap.

I use vo5 texturising gum.
I personally apply it dry. But if i'm having a really bad hair day and nothing will work I do the damp towel method.
Mhh I can't apply it dry my hand just like sticks to my hair and it's like I'm pushing real hard to spread the gum/paste etc.

Plus I have black hair so if I go for that dry look it would look odd because my hairs one coloured. I was going to get spray because sometimes when my hair doesnt work I wash out whatevers in it dry it off and after I dry it it looks real good but I don't have anything to hold it with!
And i wash off the gel all the time so it does not effect.. Now days not using it ..
Have started to stick the back of my hair up, as "the usual" seems to keep the back long and to a point, with a trim etc. up top. I use some Shockwaves thing, the bottles purple, the gel itself is purple, and it keeps the top pretty spiked, the back however, keeps flattening by the time I get on the bus like 10 mins after doing it (the rain, most likely)

I spend no more than 60 seconds on my hair its just bish bosh boogie and I'm outta the door
When you see a celebrity with a hairstyle you like and wish to replicate. Have a look at their face-shape first, because the symmetry of your face structure is ultimately what determines what looks good on an individual. Also take into account your hair colourings and skin tone.

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