
I have/had all of the left side and currently own two from the right side. Gerrin' :)

That 'Out of Bed' stuff is teh' sex.
This discussion is like a bunch of 16 year old girls discussing their hair. Im quite surprised at how much you guys care about your hair! Damn costly..
You reckon? Im just happy I dont have to spend ANY time in the morning on my hair. Just wake up, move it in place a lil and bang Im on me way. None of this spiking it up, gelling, waxing or whatever...Im glad:p

Corrr. That hair...

I used to hate him but now I'm in love with him. Russell Brand. His hair is lovely too. You seen his live shows Matt?
I think Russel Brand is a twat. But he's still hilarious and his live shows are boss.

And even I wouldn't be flamboyant enough to try to go for the Russel Brand look!
Ask any woman in Britain and the 3 people they most want to put their meat inside of them is;

1.Russel Brand
2.Noel Fielding
3.Faris Rotter

Now that's some fit hair.

Ask any woman in Britain and the 3 people they most want to put their meat inside of them is;

1.Russel Brand
2.Noel Fielding
3.Faris Rotter

Yeah, your maths was never good ;)

I'm adding an extra spot.

1. Me
2. Share it out evenly.
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