If i'm being honest Ross I am slightly disappointed by this. I prefer to manage a team as a whole not just 1 player.
Simulating the match until its your turn to bowl takes away the fun. You could be a part time spinner lets say and only bowl a couple of overs in a match.
I guess it is a personal thing, but, I 100% love what Big Ant and Ross are doing here (and I usually play Devil's advocate too)... see... you have team play in every other format... and can still play competitions... which, in many career modes provide the bulk of what exists, with many games including (ahem!) Rugby League Live 2 not having a different itinerary in career mode... which is disappointing (I say 'is" as it is still the game I play when I get to play these days... RLL2... it is great... but I know who I am playing next, especially to start and end a season, and that kinda blows sorry... should patch that)... such that career mode is just an illusion that is really multi-competition mode back-to-back...
I think having be-a-pro style mode AS WELL as team cricket multiple options besides opens up the chance to really feel like you have two games... though they could consider a simple(ish) code mimic to have the competition modes as a career (simple one) too if really wanted...? Either way... the regular modes (with stats tracking, which is really a career of sorts whenever you play anyway, yes? That is all I need, stats tracking, accurate, of me created and my team, including stats adjusting with time for starts etc too)... then that be a pro will rock my world as a whole new level / game as I was addicted to (don't laugh) playing as just me in pro evolution 5 (6? can't remember) years ago... you just watched play and were you and it seems silly, right? WRONG! lol... I too thought silly then, eventually, it was the only mode I played on it... it feels immediate... involving. So my two cents is, yes, go this way Rosco Pico Train (lol,,,) but, consider this too:
- regular comps (which we know will be there as we can see in CA anyway and can make anything I assume within reason)
- but ensure stats tracking for all the above and the players you control (all of them, but as required obviously) or longevity is ruined. Stats critical (though I hear this is also covered and included as BA are awwwwesome).
- be a pro style career (as announced), great idea... BUT have all other batters and play skippable BAR you when batting... fielding... maybe have the moments thrown at you? An extended sequence of when the AI knows you may be require to catch, field and or run out? Then of course you bowling...
- then consider, but only if not hard or going to delay the game, to tweak the competition mode to play as a simply managed (player swap, players offered / sold / bought under a set cap... but expanded to go ten years under your management... then you play regular games with all players...
Those are my thoughts / opinions...
Keep up the magnificent work Big Ant 8-)