IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

It should not be an issue for Aussie fans here at PC. I am sure most of them will preorder the game from UK.
Today's playtest was very promising. Matt will be giving you a full review later on accompanied by an extra goodie but I can say that I really enjoyed it, the new camera angles really do add something to the game, batting especially which is so much fun on hard with the pitch marker and field map turned off, you really do feel like you're actually batting. Bowling too is so much more dynamic than AC09, you actually feel like you're working away at getting a wicket, not just relying on wicket taking deliveries. Bowling plans do work, mixing it up with a variety of deliveries, speeds and bowling styles can really throw off the AI batsmen (and just hitting the pitch can throw off Matt).

The player ratings are a bit strange, will need some real editing. Australia at the top are rated 80 while Bangladesh are 72 - meanwhile the minnows like Scotland and Canada are in the 40s! Matt has written them all down so when he gets home he'll post it all up. The fake name for Neil McKenzie is genius though.
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The player ratings are a bit strange, will need some real editing. Australia at the top are rated 80 while Bangladesh are 72 - meanwhile the minnows like Scotland and Canada are in the 40s!

I believe the player stats were done by a very knowledgable person whom I'm sure will have fixed that. ;)


Not a problem if we have a proper editing system - But if we have that stupid idea of earning points for existing players in order to be able to edit them and only being able to change half the players like last year I will be most cross.

Why can't they just take a leaf out of Pro Evo's book? I'm not pretending it is going to be that good, but why impose facistic limits on player editing!
Was a pleasure to meet rlfan82 and Sureshot last week at our studios in Southam, it's also been pleasing to see that the game appears to be hitting the right chord with those of you who have played it :)

Just wanted to say as well that on behalf of all of us at Codemasters, we hope that srk121 and his brother are both ok now after their incident on the motorway. Was a very large shock to myself and Andy when we found out what had happened.
Experience tells me that I should know better but I'm beginning to get a tad excited about this game now. Sad really for a man of my age but I may even take a day off work when this arrives.
Experience tells me that I should know better but I'm beginning to get a tad excited about this game now. Sad really for a man of my age but I may even take a day off work when this arrives.
Well i am old old git who just loves cricket and cricket games , as i am a average cricketer as well, so nothing to be sad about :laugh
nothing wrong with playing games at whatever age aslong as you aint hurting anyone else its happy days, got to say after what ive been reading this game sounds very promising, im definately having the day off work to play.
Experience tells me that I should know better but I'm beginning to get a tad excited about this game now. Sad really for a man of my age but I may even take a day off work when this arrives.

haha, i will try to do the same but i doubt the army will let me go :D

hopefully the game arrives on the 18th or at least one day later here in germany, otherwise i regret the 25? i spend on the ultra fast shipping :D
I'm posting this from inside the Trickstar studios. I will try to post something tonight, but I'll be writing a full preview and also posting up a very exciting exclusive, probably tomorrow

hi Mattw any idea when you will post your preview ,can not do my job waiting lol :yes

ICC Chairman
are you doing a full review mate???
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Work before pleasure my friends, work before pleasure.
haha, i will try to do the same but i doubt the army will let me go :D

Sick parade the day you expect it to arrive. Fake the flu as if your life depended on it, hey presto, 3 days bedded down. Result.

Or drop something big & heavy on your big toe, nail turns black, freaks out the MO. Hey presto light duties.

Not that I ever did anything like that when I was in the army. Oh no.
All those options are good. But you could just simply work the day and play over weekend! NAH!!! Sick day sick day!!!
I dont think ive been looking forward to a release day as much since GTA 4.
Was a pleasure to meet rlfan82 and Sureshot last week at our studios in Southam, it's also been pleasing to see that the game appears to be hitting the right chord with those of you who have played it :)

Just wanted to say as well that on behalf of all of us at Codemasters, we hope that srk121 and his brother are both ok now after their incident on the motorway. Was a very large shock to myself and Andy when we found out what had happened.

Hi Helios Thanks for your concern. We escaped with minor injuries. :)
. I would love to come and visit if i get a chance in future. Thank You codemasters.

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