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The Judge. RDJ!!!! you're super dupper quite wonderful <3. An under popular but, fantastic movie. :)
Kingman: The Secret Service

Very rarely does it happen that you go into the movie with high expectations and the movie exceeds your expectations. Kingsman fits the bill for this.

Perfect mix of humor and action. The action is so very well choreographed - real, classical sequences instead of mindless explosions which are passed off as action these days. Some of the sequences will be memorable even after several years (the church sequence and the synchronised explosions for instance). Colin Firth is absolutely brilliant, and so is Taron Egerton. Samuel Jackson as the violence hating bad guy is hilariously evil.

Keeping in mind the new Avengers, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, etc. coming later this year I will make a bold prediction that Kingsman will be the Most Memorable Action Movie of the Year !!
The Burbs 1989, One of my all time favourites.

As below and above or below above whatever it’s called. It was Paranormal Activity meets Tomb Raider, Typical boring modern horror.
Focus - a good, entertaining con movie !! Was nice to see Will smith in a good role and a good movie for a change (sans Jaden). Margot Robbie is fantastic !
^On Imdb it is said that movie is set to release on 27th of this month?!
^ Yeah :spy I have found a way of getting free passes for advance screenings. It is quite fabulous ;)

Absolutely loved it. Chappie had what Elysium did not - soul and feels ! I loved D9 and was bored out of my wits with Elysium. Thankfully Blomkamp went back to his roots instead of getting overwhelmed by the massive budgets, which is what happened with Elysium.

This man knows how to make his characters connect with the audiences on the most basic level, and strongly. Which is why when he has subplots of racism in D9 or greed/love/etc in Chappie he comes out a winner.

The action was well choreographed, but despite being plentiful it somehow still remains in the background. The screenplay was tight - never a dull moment. Music by Hans Zimmer - I absolutely did not recognize it was his music until the rolling credits - fits perfectly with the setting.
Rewatched the best movie of 2014 for the 4th time. Interstellar

Continues to amaze me

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