Right, so, this is going to be a thread with links to all the games so far, and some links to help newbie players out too. And, the all important waiting list.
1. Romeing The Piazza by Ollie
Winner: Town
Description: As Ollie said in the thread, the game was more of a voting game than a tactical game, and is not the best example of how Mafia should be played. However, Ollie has posted a lot of basic rules and info. that is useful in the thread. So it's worth a read.
2. Mafia Round Two by Ollie
Winner: LongLegs(Serial Killer)
Description: A better game than the first one, with more tactical observation, especially from those playing the cop. However, the town didn't observe that there were two killers in the night post, and that allowed LongLegs to pull through.
3. Cricket Mafia by Ollie and LongLegs
Winner: Cult(MaD and Abhas)
Description: The first themed game involved a lot of new roles, which meant more people were finally involved in playing the game. However, Abhas was the one leading the town and he played exceptionally well. MaD got very lucky, and eventually made Abhas his last recruit at a crucial juncture to win the game. Some useful links in the beginning of this games on roles.
4. Superhero Mafia by Ollie
Winner: None(Game cancelled)
Description: The game was eventually cancelled after a bright start due to an unfortunate mistake. However, some of the play at the beginning of this game was great, but there were also some complete moments of idiocy like WC technically killing off his Mafia boss, and Zorax being Zorax.
5. Lost Mafia by LongLegs and Maney2k9
Winner: Mafia(treva, ZoraxDoom, MaD)
Description: An absolutely wonderful game played by the Mafia, which also included some crazy play from the town. Some great role usage all around, and perhaps the best Mafia game played on the site till now. treva's claim was a moment of brilliance, while Zorax's was more lucky - however they both were the standout players in the game.
6. Football Mafia by blake and mattfb
Winner: Mafia(Mark and guddu)
Description: A game that was badly balanced, but mainly included some solid play from the Mafia. However, the numbers were massively on their side. Highlight of the game was when Zorax and Highlander took each other out. That doesn't happen often!
7. Wrestling Mafia by ZoraxDoom
Winner: None/Abhas(Was a draw, although Zorax thought Abhas was the best player and awarded him the win)
Description: Another game that didn't favour the town, as the numbers were more favourable to the Mafia/Individual/Cult-aligned players. Abhas played well, and blake had a great game too. Honorable mentions to the Spin, ARay and BKB1991 who shone in town roles.
8. ICC World T20 Mini Mafia by Ollie
Winner: None(Game cancelled)
Description: Inactivity forced the game to be cancelled. But, kudos to Ollie on devising a more creative game, where you really had to force the initiative yourselves, so persuasive skills were more important than roles.
9. Superhero Mafia II by LongLegs and ARay
Winner : None (Game abandoned)
Description : Longlegs probably abandoned this due to his busy schedule.
10. Psych-Ward Mafia by Zoraxdoom
Winner : None (Game abandoned)
Description : Zorax got too busy with his uni, leaving the game halfway!
11. Simpsons Mafia by MaD and Hedger
Winner : Town (Chewie, Bevab and Aditya)
Description : This game saw a fantastic game by town as well as mafia. ARay and Chewie did wonders, and mafia played equally good. Although MaD gave away much in his writeups, he still managed to confuse most of us.
Current Games
1. Harry Potter Mafia by The Spin
2. Patient 9 Mafia by ARay
3. Wrestling Mafia II by Yudi
Waiting List
1. Music Mafia by Chewie
2. Pokemon Mafia by Varun
Any Mafia thread that wants to be started should go through this waiting list. To be a host, you must've played at least 2 Mafia games, and demonstrate good enough skill and understanding while playing the game to be considered good enough to host, just so that we know that the game won't be an absolute mess. Only 2 Mafia games will run at once. I will start sign-ups for my game once I come up with a theme and idea, but it won't start till Zorax's game has reached its midway stage at least, so that some of the new players can gain some experience.
Links for New Players
This is from another site, so I've quoted it. But, includes 2 good links, especially when it comes to learning about roles. I reckon new players will understand the rules easily - it's generally roles and what to do with said role that confuses them.
This thread can also be used as a discussion platform for game ideas, role ideas and any questions that you have about Mafia. If you're not revealing roles in your game, and don't want to write up a full-fledged review, you can reveal your roles in this thread. I will post my Lost Mafia roles in this thread sometime soon.
Anything else that needs to be added? Let me know.