Mafia: Discussion, History and Waiting List Thread

This things are easier if mods could be screwed to review :p


15. Pokemon Mafia by Varun
Winner: Town (P Squared and BKB1991)
Description: A high activity game, consisted of good roles and the writeups revealed a lot of information, allowing the town to pull out a victory. The Smurf vs Zorax incident shall be remembered for years, as they were both Mafia however Smurf being usurper had to get Zorax killed to win, leading to a great discussion.

16. PlanetCricket Mafia by User and Chewie
Winner: Town (Varun, simsanta123, AfridiRulez, p23456789, Highlander999,
Ollie_H) and Abhas
Description: A lot of winners for this game, not due to unbalancing, but it was well played by town. Abhas (once again) played a great game. Town took out 4 anti-towns in a row, pretty much demolishing the mafia's chances of doing anything. Maybe an extra Mafia would've helped, but its doubtful.

17. Survivor Mafia by Hedger
Winner: Town (Aditya, CG123 and Abhas)
Description: A game with less players, and the town pulling off a hat-trick winning streak. A fairly simple game, back to the basics, Mafia could've probably done with another member although the town picked them out very well at the end, leaving no room for a possible defence.

18. Smurfs Mafia by Papa Smurf
Winner: Town (CG123, BKB1991 and Hedger)
Description: This one wasn't based off writeups and the town had to figure things out for themselves, it wasn't working all that well for them, losing 5 townies in a row in the first days, but a huge minor mistake by treva, led to a town breakthrough. Activity wasn't very solid and Vedarshi's play was frowned upon. Varun played a solid game, as did User. Callum figured Ollie out in the end, and their wasn't much he could do, leading to another town win.

Current Games

1. Lord of The Rings Mafia by Treva

Waiting List

1. Bizzare Mafia by Ollie_H/ZoraxDoom
3. The Spin, Theme TBD
Shouldn't my tennis mafia be in the waiting list? :)
Just reading through old mafia games, getting to understand the game. I'd definitely be interested in joining one the next time someone makes one.

One question though, what does FOS stand for?
I have 3 days holidays so I'd be preparing the roles for the tennis mafia. I'd be needing 12 members for the game with 2 or 3 members in as reserves.
How about we get some variations in the game now? Like riddle mafia or something like that, where we have riddles in place of night writeups. Will be interesting and will require our analytical abilities to the best.
You know, I'm planning to do a simple mafia game. Co mod the game with me and then we can have some variations. :spy
I understood your point there. :spy
So who all interested in a World Leaders or Grammy mafia?
I want to host a really crazy Mafia game where everyone has a whacky role, and there's lots of hidden stuff. I do understand balancing would be hard, but I think it's worth a shot if you guys think so.
I'm up for co modding. I actually want something like that too.
Didn't Zorax want to run one of those?

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