I think you're just looking for reasons. Right now, it's "who does reverse psychology anyway and it seems like an afterthought". If I was playing the other way round, it'd be "simple and straightforward game, why won't you play clever and it all seems premeditated". You even mentioned somewhere that it is all premeditated. Why would I even softclaim to use the claim later anyway? I had no tweaking idea the miller didn't know they were millers until someone else mentioned it.
So looks at this now. One mafia's dead. He's certainly mafia for me now. One of the mafia gets lawyered. So basically there's two mafia results there. Miller and the lawyer himself. It's a one on two probability. I have to resort to this because you are circumventing all my defenses anyway. It doesn't matter if it's legitimate, you're choosing to see it as insensible. That's what it seems like to me, given my earlier cop experience.