New brian lara pictures

Maybe you can stand out of your crease to start with (like with Sams EXE), that would mean stumping would be possible.
I'm sure they have incorporated stumping in some way or form. Perhaps as a 'special shot' you go for a big hit, maybe not, though. If that isn't the case, then regardless of where you make the batsman stand there is no stumping animation in the game, so it won't be possible. If anything, the batsmen will be run out.
It really does suck that we cant dance down the wicket and whack the livin hell outta da ball. And the essence of stumping not being there a vital part of cricket is simply put, "lost." We just have to see how blic can gain our attention with the several new things they have implemented! OR ELSE :rolleyes: some of our ingenious patchers can come up wit that feature altogether :D
i just love that black screenshot, i want the game so badly i intend to trim my pubic hair with some garden shears.
The_gas said:
i just love that black screenshot, i want the game so badly i intend to trim my pubic hair with some garden shears.

Has anyone else actually wondered what on earth the black screenshot is showing?
Ste said:
Has anyone else actually wondered what on earth the black screenshot is showing?
The black screenshot is showing the Stump Cam being blacked out after the ball has hit it. If you read the news article announcing the video, it says that this will happen. They are just showing it in action that's all. ;)
ahahahahahahahahah lol Gas is back and he's still got his attitude!

Ste i was definatley wondering it, what a waste of a screen shot anyway!
just love that black screenshot, i want the game so badly i intend to trim my pubic hair with some garden shears.
Me too even i like the black screenshot. So guy no need to worry about the speed the bowler bowl now u can see how fast the ball travell to break a stumpcam
What exactly was the point of the above post? Testing out if your keyboards CTRL, C and V keys were working?

EDIT: Oh right, you were quoting him. :D Looked like your comment was your signature.
:D :D :rtfl :rtfl Ha Ha ........that means everytime when he will quote he will edit his signature :eek: :eek:

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