Just had my first post-patch crash. Before even getting into my first post-patch game.
On PS4, I was trying to play as New Zealand Vs Ireland in a Five5, just to test it out. I didn't like the New Zealand Line-up on Other (Five5 Line-up type) and made some changes. That was actually working, so I was kind of pleased with that. Then I was about to click through the Ireland Line-up and play, but I noticed it was no longer Ireland, it was Western Australia. I wondered what had happened there, so went back a page and then back in, I was now apparently playing Australia, so then I backed out to my opponent selection screen. Despite going back through a large screen displaying Cricket Ireland, it now had Australia as the team on the list highlighted, so I attempted to move it down to Ireland. At that point the game crashed.
I submitted a report straight away. Will try and get that clip sorted too.
Edit: I can't seem to find the clip of the last 15 minutes of my PS4 footage, which is annoying. Perhaps when you submit a report, it slowly uploads that too?