New Zealand in England

Hoggard doesn't look the same bowler that he was in the 2005 Ashes, he's been steadily decreasing in form ever since that series, has dropped in pace, and the injuries are starting to affect him. He was poor in the 1 test he did play in New Zealand, and was rightly replaced by Anderson in the 2nd, where Jimmy performed excellently. Anderson's been consistently churning out quality performances in the ODi team, and is also one of the worlds best outfielders, and certainly one of England's best fielders. He was excellent in the home ODi series last year, and i only feel that he under performs away from home.

He was given the chance against one of the best batting line-ups in the world last year, at home to India, and was Englands best bowler for me. He consistently challenged the likes of Tendulkar and Ganguly, and really had the wool over Ganguly with his variation in swing, with the extra pace that Hoggard no longer has. If we're looking to build a team for the next few years, James Anderson has to play, i don't think Hoggard will be threatening come 2009, so why bother play him now, Anderson would be my choice.

Hopefully though, if Hoggard is picked, he'll prove me wrong and bowl awesome and get back to the form that we failed to see in Englands summer last year.
The team we should go with from the squad for me:

1. Alastair Cook
2. Andrew Strauss
3. Michael Vaughan (c)
4. Kevin Pietersen
5. Paul Collingwood
6. Ian Bell
7. Tim Ambrose (wk)
8. Stuart Broad
9. Ryan Sidebottom
10. Matthew Hoggard
11. Monty Panesar

The team I would have gone for before the squad was picked:

1. Alastair Cook
2. Michael Carberry
3. Michael Vaughan (c)
4. Kevin Pietersen
5. Rob Key
6. Ian Bell
7. Andrew Flintoff
8. Chris Read (wk)
9. Stuart Broad
10. Ryan Sidebottom
11. Monty Panesar
Umm, I definitely don't agree with dropping Collingwood for Key, the fifth bowling option then goes to Pietersen who's not exactly a quality bowler. Strauss can't be dropped after scoring 177 when under intense pressure. Proved to be a match winning knock. Also, Chris Read threw his England Career away when he signed an ICL Contract for me. He's also massively over-rated, he did nothing when playing for England, so doesn't deserve another chance, we should be moving forwards not backwards, Steve Davies deserves a chance before Read gets another go.
No, he really isn't. He isn't as good a keeper as he was when he was 19. He's living off nobody opening their eyes and actually changing their opinion on him.
So what, he signalled his international intentions by signing up for the money grabbing ICL, he doesn't deserve to ever put on an England shirt again. The ECB should follow the marker set by other countries and just not allow an ICL player in the national team. He's also renowned as a pretty twatty bloke, not exactly known as a positive influence in the dressing room. He'd be one of the last candidates on my list for next England keeper, Geraint Jones would be ahead of him for me, he's been in awesome form for Kent. Also, what's Ambrose done wrong to deserve being dropped ?
No, he really isn't. He isn't as good a keeper as he was when he was 19. He's living off nobody opening their eyes and actually changing their opinion on him.

He has been absolutely faultless when he has been on camera. A tricky pitch against Ireland, etc. Certainly better than Ambrose, Prior, Mustard and Jones.
Ambrose, Prior, Mustard and Jones all being Batsman/Wicket Keepers. You cannot judge Read by that yardstick as in international cricket his batting ability just isn't good enough, as such he becomes a Wicket Keeper/Batsman, certainly James Foster is a hugely better keeper than him. If you can name anyone else in county cricket who stood up to Andy Bichel last year, in the half light, bowling leg stump yorkers at 87mph then I'll gladly leave this argument. Not to mention that Foster is general a better 'keeper than Read, he is outstanding. However he just doesn't do enough with the bat, and so he probably won't play for England again.
The Foster ship has sailed. I want him to play as much as he can for Essex. :p
I made that point, but the point I was arguing was that Chris Read is not the best gloveman in England.
He's been dropped by England at least twice, maybe three times, all on account of poor performance and not forfilling the role. In comparison to Foster, a man who you said 'his ship has sailed' who has been dropped twice, once on account of breaking his arm and Alec Stewart coming back in and being superman for a couple of series, and being dropped for Stewart to return in the Ashes in Oz in '03/04 I believe. Added to that he's signed up to the ICL, a competition the ECB said they would take into account in player selection issues, therefore has effectively ruled himself out, and is widely known as an arrogant character who isn't a good team player unless he is a vital core of that team. Then I'd say his chances aren't all that high.

Then you taken into account that Ambrose is the man in possession, ergo Ambrose = No.1.

Phil Mustard is the current man in possession of the one day gloves, ergo Mustard = No.2, although this is very debatable over whether he would be a viable test keeper or whether other would step into that breech.

Matt Prior is still in the England performance squad, and taking into account his sparkling form with the bat and current competence with the gloves, ergo Prior = No.3

Steve Davies is an option that the ECB are well known for having looked long and hard at. With youth on his side, an ability to bat anywhere in the top 6 in each format and added to that he is probably a better keeper than any of the three mentioned before, ergo Davies = No. 4.

I could go on, but I can put this more concisely. Geraint = No.5 due to form, Foster = No.6, was on a Lions tour in the winter and so he is still being considered. Jon Batty = No.7, never had a chance and is known to always be talked of.

So I'd suggest Read is probably only ahead of the likes of Nixon, too old, Steve Adshead, steady option with bat & gloves but never really anything above County Pro, Niall O'Brian, Irish, and again average county pro. James Pipe, VERY average county pro and then the likes of Kieswetter, who I don't believe has even qualified yet, Hodd who shows enough potential to play internationally, but cannot get a look in at Sussex, and also Ben Brown, who should he continue his development should be absolutely EPIC in a couple of years, then I'd say Read isn't very high up that pecking order.
Hodd's been recieving really positive reviews, I think he should probably move on and find a county who need a decent keeper and get himself a decent first XI place and maybe fulfill the potential that it is said that he posesses. The Sky commentary team seemed to be incredibly impressed with the lad.

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