NRL Telstra Premiership 2006

The Tigers never were going to be a major threat this year. They were lucky to win it last year when everything went there way.
Would be a surprise if the Storm fell off the pace next year, they seem to have the right mix and a lot of youngsters.
Ah ok I supose it makes sense with what your saying about the salary cap!

But we have one in the British game too and it doesnt seem to effect the teams preformance over time.

And yes I think the British teams do want the World Club Challenge more, becuase I think we have something to prove! Also it is of popular opinion that the Australians cant deal with the cold rainy weather when over here playing so they are always on the backfoot. Whereas when its over in Oz the Brit players can deal with the heat!

Also on another topic, I cant wait for the Tri-nations, should be another great tornument.

Come on GB! :D

Should be interesting with no Sculthorpe though! :(
It's a bit hard for them to get up in Feb, thats the 1st real game they have played in ages. If it was played after our Grand Final there would be no question who would win it.
Well even then there would be a few weeks wait.

Dont forget the Super Grand final is like 2 weeks after your Grand Final so it could even be upto a Month with out a game!! So I wouldnt be so cocky!
Teams have had to wait more than a month before, Union does it all the time with the end of year tours. The All Blacks never have a problem getting up after 2 months break.
Plus it doesn't matter how many weeks you rest the Storm they have played the same game for months now, all it would do is give Inglis a chance to be 100% fit.
If our players actually took it seriously they would. Look how well ex Aussies that weren't great in the NRL are doing over in the Super League. A current Raider who can't even make the Raiders has lead Wigan to avoid regulation, and there are a number of other players doing just that.

Compare that to Brian Carney worlds best winger over in the NRL, he was totally found out on defence no doubting hes great on attack but defence had a lot to be desired. Morley I'll give that to you, hes been great over here but one of the very few Super League players that make it over here.
jdeus said:
You wont win!!

You'll probably win the Tri-nations though!! :(

I think whoever wins the Telstra Premiership in Australia either the Broncos or Storm (HOPEFULLY BRONCOS) will be a tough competator. I mean i could review both teams. Broncos are in strong form at the moment and would really be in for a great match agaisnt teh Superleague Winner. Same with storm. Storm i reckon woudl win if they vsd they are the best team in the NRL and are in really great form. And you cant say that The English team dont have the advantage, its always in England so they always have their supporters behind them. I think the English side are going to lose the next World Club challange because the Two sides in our grand final are without doubt the best sides in the NRL at the moment

We will also win the world cup in 2008 :p
Will be interesting seeing how the winner goes next year, Storm I could see winning as they are so well drilled (assuming they take their best team). Broncos harder to say as they have been through some up and down stages this season.
Yeah. and it all comes down to whoever plays better on the night i guess. you cant say if you had the Rabbitohs (8th)vs Storm(1st)[Example only] the storm could win well maybe you could :p

But this Grand Final is going to be close cant wait. its also on my Birthday october 1st so i hope the broncos win it woudl be a great Birthday present :D:D:D
Ok so are you saying because Andrew Johns didnt win the Super League in 2005 with Warrington he wasnt trying???

Or are you going to blame the rest of the team??

I dont care what you say about Wigan it had nothing to do with the Australian player they got over here! The whole deal with them was a right farse! For a start they should never have got the best coach in the Super League, that means also they should never have got the best forward in the Super League! The fact that they played 8 of their last 11 games at home is something else that is left to be desired!!! Just about everyone over here thinks it was fixed!!! Because believe me they were really doomed!!!

As for not taking the World Club seriously, thats no excuse! If your guys dont want it then why bother even playing it?? Dont be a spoil sport because you cant win it!!!

As for being tough competitors they will be but I believe didnt the Broncos get nilled against St. Helens in a World Clun Cup match?? LOL

Look all I want to get across is you guys think your the best! Well I have news for you, you might have the skills but we have the belief, we dont need to get physical to win like you and the kiwis. We know we can win by playing rugby not by seeing who can cheat the most and be as barbaric as possible!!

And anyways rugby was invented in England along with football and cricket so I believe whatever you say you should be thankful that we invented it! And actually guys your Irish and convicts anyways so your really British!!!

Doesnt that make the British the best at everything??
Nope it doesnt because they arent the best in Cricket :p

Anyway its only WORLD CLUB challange. Australia will beat your English side in the WC and the Tri nations.
You have to get physical in Rugby League to win the game, it's part of the sport. Maybe it's the reason Britain isn't very strong, they don't get physical enough. The reason why the Kiwi's perform so well internationally is because they are a physical side.
Who holds the ashes btw??????

Do you remember back in 2001 or whenever the Rugby League World Cup took place. Wales were beating Australia at half time in the semi-finals. Wales are certianly not a physical side and totally ripped Australia apart. It was only when Australia started to play that they turned the game around. They didnt get that physical at all! And what about the times when GB have won? Were we physical enough then? Or were the Aussies not physical enough???

Its one advantage you guys have, one disadvantage is arrogance!

So please, dont rule The UK out of any sporting event!
jdeus said:
Who holds the ashes btw??????

Its one advantage you guys have, one disadvantage is arrogance!

So please, dont rule The UK out of any sporting event!
omg, do you believe this guy??

1. The ashes have nothing to do with RL
2. This is the first time you have won the ashes for like a million years.

Plus you need arrogance in sport. Its what makes a succesful team

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