Thats sad if its the same person and a PC member...
..looks like its not the first time he has rage quit too - going by kushari a few pages back on this thread..
Hey ricco i will give you a game mate,into test matches these days like.They are so much better than the limited overs slogathon.I'm finding it hard to get online games the last few nights, not many people online - when I finally did get a game tonight against a guy 'stoney' he batted first and I held him to a reasonable 66/9 off his 10 overs.
In reply I was 57-0 off 3.5 overs and guess what.. he quit!! ...I've tried sending him a friend request to continue the game and surprise surprise he wont reply.....another saved game never to be finished...
I cant understand why some people are such sore losers and rage quit, especially since its a small enough gaming community and pool of players, why alienate yourself?!
Anyway just wondering whats the best time of the week to catch people from here online (GMT)??
I cannot understand quitters,i mean its not as though a loss is recorded on the leaderboards.Yes, 100% its the same guy. His steam is is "stoney". He is a habitual quitter. Please refrain from playing with him at any cost. We really need a thread to Name & Shame quitters so that people dont waster their time playing those scumbags.
Well the good news is im off work for a week so im mostly available any time,The bad news is im currently in a couple of test matches but i would fit you in my friend.Thanks jaraarrow - must give it a go. What times of the week are you normally online?
Well the good news is im off work for a week so im mostly available any time,The bad news is im currently in a couple of test matches but i would fit you in my friend.
im ready when you are.What about our pending match?
Guys be careful of playing with player with steam ID: shobhit_agarwal
Played twice, both time he quieted when about to loose. He simply get disconnected so the opponent cannot win. I don't know if he is here on PC forum or not. But guy we do need a thread to name and shame habitual quitters so that we don't waste our time playing those low life.
Just to add on this QUOTE of yours Kushari.....I played game yesterday twice and got disconnected abruptly mid match, I was in good position but don't know why got disconnected...Then I saved the game to continue later but now I could not resume it, I think may be same thing has been happening with I am not taking any sides here but this is how the online mode has been performing for me...yet to play a match today though, will let you know if I still get disconnected abruptly today as well...!
Buddy the problem is when you sent a add friend request to someone when the games get disconnected, if that fellow was genuine he will add you as friend and message you that for some reason he could not get connected or has to go out for some emergency etc. It has happened to me many times, when game got disconnected and when the opponent started to resume and I could not join, I added them as friend then messaged them my issues. SO you can always tell who has a genuine problem and who is trying to be a Smart Ass...