Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

Ok you said about release hitting green needle but what about jump...

Jump just has to be in the green zone, there appears to be very little difference in it being early or late within the green one. but as I say if you get it so most off the needle on the second gauge in in the grey zone but its saying 'full length"in green like in yr screenshot you will hit this length consistently. I literally only worked this out a couple of weeks ago before that I was thinking exactly what you have just posted.[DOUBLEPOST=1436716102][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gives a sense of immersion with the bowler rather than ignoring him and watching a gauge on the side

Completely agree and you actually get a sense of rhythm to your bowling, which comes and goes at times I found.
I also was playing the game without the assist for bowling when got the game but later found that I have been too early both in jump and release so started using assist..
You can judge the jump by watching the feet, finding a marker on the pitch as real life. I hope that BA will make bowling more immersive by letting the controls be dynamic: how harder I slam the foot down and swing the arm how harder I release the ball but how more difficult it is to keep the right line
Jump just has to be in the green zone there appears to be very little difference in it being early or late within the green one. but as I say if you get it so most off the needle on the second gauge in in the grey zone but its saying 'full length"in green like in yr screenshot you will hit this length consistently. I literally only worked this out a couple of weeks ago before that I was thinking exactly what you have just posted.[DOUBLEPOST=1436716102][/DOUBLEPOST]

Completely agree.
Can you post a screenshot of that...Would be really helpful...
You can judge the jump by watching the feet, finding a marker on the pitch as real life. I hope that BA will make bowling more immersive by letting the controls be dynamic: how harder I slam the foot down and swing the arm how harder I release the ball but how more difficult it is to keep the right line
Yeah absolutely right, bowling can be made more immersive, maybe they can put in a white line or a spot which indicates the jump and release points to get the best out of the delivery without the assist...But another thing I find assist better is I can play with the lengths like jump early release short or full, combinations for such experiment is better with the assist...I agree that we can watch the foot for the jump and release but as of now I prefer this method...
Can you post a screenshot of that...Would be really helpful...

I don't have any way of doing that as am on the PS I'm afraid man, otherwise I would have posted up loads of things on these threads!

All I can say is practice getting the needle stopping just on the green zone but not in it and you will see where it's landing on Big pitch as you have been doing. It won't take you long to get the hang of it.
I don't have any way of doing that as am on the PS I'm afraid man, otherwise I would have posted up loads of things on these threads!

All I can say is practice getting the needle stopping just on the green zone but not in it and you will see where it's landing on Big pitch as you have been doing. It won't take you long to get the hang of it.
Oh ok mate surely will try that...
Are you talking about on drive to widish long on and forward mid wkt regionn? Yeah, placing on drives to beat mid on or deep mid on would be great, but I guess it will be possible when the game has true 360 degree shot control. At the moment, you can't really hit the ball anywhere you want.

You can play a on drive shot past mid on. Back foot aiming at 45° to the left and you might need to do an agressive ground shot but u can get it past mid on.
You can play a on drive shot past mid on. Back foot aiming at 45° to the left and you might need to do an agressive ground shot but u can get it past mid on.

Never managed to do it. I guess I will try aggressive backfoot shot.
does patch 3 will have an option to play 4 online players ,2 each team can play opposite , co-op 2 vs co-op 2 online ?
It seems like (and rather fairly I suppose) that if you look at the Patch changes for PC so far, that nearly everything going forward will be a fix or a game-play geared improvement. That's not a bad thing at all and is priority as it should be. In this regard, I'm really extremely happy with Patch 3's direction (despite not yet having heard if the dreaded "clicking in L3 or R3" is going to be removed as leaving (or at least switchable)), it's still costing wickets in our comps!!!

Despite my constant "leaving" worries, I'm still mightily impressed with whats coming so far.

It does worry me a little though that nothing much aesthetic is potentially going to get into the Patch even taking into considering the length of time there has been since the last one. I hope this is all proven wrong though and it's merely a case of Big Ant focusing on the vitally important stuff first, like bringing alive the dullard AI.

In the area of aesthetic improvements, there are a lot of things that could do with a tweak. Here's some I've probably said and maybe some I haven't. There's a lot I think of while playing and forget.

1) Lighting in night games doesn't look right - On console at least (PS4), it does appear that sometimes the lighting just get's dimmer and almost hazier, whilst colours seem to fade a little. Black players faces from the West Indies do tend to suffer and the details can get a little lost. The lighting towers don't seem to have much of an effect and there's no areas of brightness where they've been focused. In view of the overall effort of putting together a huge game like DBC together in it's first iteration, it's understandable that this would've been an time-intensive feature to get right.

2) Being able to set single innings break length - This would be good so that people playing shorter games (10-12-15-20 over) could show the effect of day night games in those shorter fixtures, with one team getting most of the lighter afternoon and the other getting some evening.

3) Ability to mix your created Day & Day/Night fixtures into one tourney. As it stands there's only one type of time scheduling available for games in any tourney created.

4) Keepers turning around to catch nicks backwards? Yes they do, to me it looks silly every time it happens and maybe a keepers animation could be kept forwards until the ball hits the ground, so it looks somewhat plausible.

5) Being able to put the Team Name on the FRONT of the jersey. I have no idea why player name and team name are both slapped on the back only, when a much larger number of teams (particuarly at World Cups!!!) have their names on the front. Surely, surely, surely this is a minor tweak and askable????

6) Bowler speed to be viewable in player creation - This suggestion would help in creating more believeable players! Pleeeeeasssse!

7) Attribute Description - I'd like it if people could also click on each attribute for a description of what it actually effects! I look at anticipation and think, "Hmm fielding anticipation? Of what side to dive? For bowlers when caught and bowleds are hit back? For their batting skill, their ability to anticipate the ball? All if the above? Somebody tell me!!!!!".

8) Fielders to get up a tiny bit faster after dives - It would be great if it was just a tiny bit faster so that people running an extra run might just sweat a little and not just enjoy a free one. Does not have to be much faster (maybe 0.3-0.5) of a second.

9) Global Attribute Change - Globally being able to change attributes and skills across teams, competitions, or all the sides in the game.

10) Being able to copy faces for editing - Saves time making Andy & Grant Flower for example and can make for an easier starting template for players who have a somewhat more similar face. Would cut a lot of time off creating players from scratch.

11) Multiplayer fielding radar - It wouldn't take much for it to only be viewable for 2 seconds. When I play with mates, to save looking around the field every ball, we just show each other the field as it's quicker and multi-player games need momentum. Allowing the fielding radar up (at least in multiplayer and for only 2 secs) wouldn't damage what's great about this game, so I don't understand the resistance.

Sorry about the crazily long post, but had to get a few of them off my chest.
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Never managed to do it. I guess I will try aggressive backfoot shot.
You can hit past mid on using:
-Front foot as well [foot work and line very important in this] For this you need to place foot between 11 and 12'o clock, for a delivery on the leg side and RAS towards long on...When timed well goes past it...Hard to execute but looks good when done...
-Advance down the wicket ground shot, easier way to execute using this....
@cricket_online and @funnyadit have either of you had a go with batting with the batsmen's consistency greatly reduced? My experience from setting it for the AI is a greater variation in shot direction and I'd love for some people who have a lot of batting experience to try it out and see how it differs. I'm positive it will give an improved experience.

If either of you are interested just reduce it for say the top 4 and see how you get on.
@cricket_online and @funnyadit have either of you had a go with batting with the batsmen's consistency greatly reduced? My experience from setting it for the AI is a greater variation in shot direction and I'd love for some people who have a lot of batting experience to try it out and see how it differs. I'm positive it will give an improved experience.

If either of you are interested just reduce it for say the top 4 and see how you get on.
Sure will try that out....Is this mainly for AI batting or player or both??

Went to academy to check that out but the consistency bar is stuck halfway, seems like thats the minimum that can be set...
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Sure will try that out....Is this mainly for AI batting or player or both??

Both I should think, this is what I would like to know though. It is really noticeable with the AI batting so I reckon you should see a difference with player batting.

I'd do it myself ,but feel I haven't put enough hours into batting to be able to be a good enough judge.

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