Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

I assume all their resources are being thrown into finishing off Rugby League Live 3. Estimating that to release in June/July would suggest that they need to complete the game in the next few weeks.

Then the assumption would be that they can shift back some of the people working on that over to cricket - at least for the two-three months between when they complete the master of RLL3 and any post-release fixes they need to do.

We can piece together that roughly the same process happened for DBC - the last rush of work on the PC version came just before they seemingly locked that down to work on the port to the new consoles.

So my tip would be that we might start to see movement on the PC version of DBC towards the end of the month/start of next.
they have recently mentioned the patch is in development alongside the next iteration, so i don't think that fear will come to pass.

of greater concern to me is the lack of increment changes on pc, which we had last time preceding the patch 2.5 and rectifying the mistakes of patch 2. you'd think they'd be targeting the Ashes for pushing patch 3 out on console to regenerate some buzz around then, so it would be preferable to see some of the changes coming through on PC now so they can get proper feedback on the changes and adjust where necessary. what we don't want is the patch coming out on PC in one fell swoop with no time to make meaningful adjustments before it's submitted for consoles.

To be completely honest I've been quite disappointed with the patching since it came to PC. They started well enough, but what I was expecting was some, as you say, incremental improvements to the match engine and AI to be rolled out for the consoles once they are shown to have worked right. Right now it's as though they have perhaps 5-10 thousand potential beta testers playing the current version.

The biggest problems, particularly with the AI, remain unsorted. With the Ashes coming as well, a definitive experience for Test Cricket could set the franchise up for years. The problem is that's where the game is the weakest currently, the AI being almost unable to play the format in any real sense.

Hopefully we'll see something coming in the next months. It would be an awful shame though if they didn't use the steam players as a way of testing improvements before pushing them out to the consoles. Again, if or when they release a patch 3 with, at the very least, the batting AI sorted for Tests, I'd more than happily buy the game a third time.
Another thing Id very much appreciate, in Career mode to be able to access your yearly/seasonal stats. Once a Season is done and you continue onto the next, there's currently no way of accessing it again or comparing it to subsequent seasons. Im keen to know whether my batting/bowling has improved, which year I took the most wickets / scored the most a fan of cricket those are the types of stats I want to be able to access.

Lastly Id like to see more relevant info showing up on the screen in-game:
Currently while playing a FC match they would throw in Limited Overs' stats like "at this stage so and so was 132/2 after 25 over etc.." - That's irrelevant to the format of cricket. Yet they omit info like how many overs are left in the day, which becomes important when you need to bat out the final day.

Other similar stats id like to see:
ODI / P40:
- Break down of the last 5 overs, how many runs were scored / comparative scores.
- If you're going through a rough patch, show stats that indicate the last time I scored a 50 eg.
- If you're playing a series, bring up relevant stats like the leading wicket taker / scorer....if I managed to get dismissed by a specific bowler throughout the series, show that info...its interesting and RELEVANT.
- this list can go on and on, but you get the general fact, Id like BA to simply sit down and WATCH an actual cricketing Broadcast - if they did they would know which stats are relevant / interesting and which are not.

All the above suggestions, and the tons of other unmentioned variations, are recorded whenever you play the game - they just need to find a way to bring it forth more regularly and with more relevance and variety.

P.S....I don't know who started it, but for the love of God, show the Bowling/Batting Averages when someone comes on to bowl/bat!
Maybe a problem to address in the next version. Fielders are able to cover LARGE parts of the ground when shots are hit in the air. Deep midwicket or mid on fielders for example, always catch balls hit towards long on if the ball doesn't go for a six.
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Some top edges, ball skying up when hit early, more edges to keeper/slip when AI is batting.
Bring out Patch 3

I bet Ross wishes it were that simple.

I'm sure we'll get it at some point. The big problem is that with such a wait, there's going to be a lot of expectations, particularly in the AI department, and I don't know if it'll be able to live up to those.
Give us more control over weather in set up. At the moment we can choose it either fine, or random. Why can't we choose cloudy? Also give us control over temperature / humidity.

Finding you get more AI edges in cloudy humid weather... But this almost never occurs under "random"
All my expectations is for the Online Part of the game to be fixed .

I could only bear the Bland AI for a week , and then Online was the only place for me.
Give us more control over weather in set up. At the moment we can choose it either fine, or random. Why can't we choose cloudy? Also give us control over temperature / humidity.

Finding you get more AI edges in cloudy humid weather... But this almost never occurs under "random"

i'm just requoting/reposting this because the testing with skills etc. we've been doing that we mentioned in the other thread shows this is absolutely crucial - @BigAntStudios @fiction @HBK619 this is a big one; if it's not too late please make sure this is in there since it has a big positive impact on game play.

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