Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

I am very appreciative of Big Ant's work on this game, it does a lot of things right and has already provided many more hours of entertainment than the majority of games do. For me personally though, the AI stands in the way of me enjoying it at the moment... Most games reach this point where I'd rather play other stuff so it was only natural for it to happen with DBC, and with other sports games that is usually seen to when the next iteration arrives.

I'll keep checking back every so often for news on the patch and I think a similar approach to the last patch where the PC was used to smooth the rough edges would work well.
I hope patch 3 lets us check the conditions of the match before selecting the team. Also, let us see the weather/pitch conditions during a match too.


How about putting some high quality textures for imagery outside the stadium?
I am very appreciative of Big Ant's work on this game, it does a lot of things right and has already provided many more hours of entertainment than the majority of games do. For me personally though, the AI stands in the way of me enjoying it at the moment... Most games reach this point where I'd rather play other stuff so it was only natural for it to happen with DBC, and with other sports games that is usually seen to when the next iteration arrives.

I'll keep checking back every so often for news on the patch and I think a similar approach to the last patch where the PC was used to smooth the rough edges would work well.

I'd love to be helping them sand those rough edges and seeing if there's any new modding possibilities right now, but as things stand the game seems firmly in the doldrums for now.
I'd love to be helping them sand those rough edges and seeing if there's any new modding possibilities right now, but as things stand the game seems firmly in the doldrums for now.
You need to check out the improving batting and bowling thread!
AI is not good...its like if i score above 140 on veteran..I win..and no I don't want to play on legend now as I am not comfortable on veteran in batting..but bowling even on veteran is useless..even when they are 103/1 in 16 overs they will end up below 140..(I am talking abt t20) So AI should be priority..
Fifa Style Celebrations, what I mean is that you say get your Ton and then if you press X you will do a back-flip (we NEED backflips in this game) or if you press ∆ you will take off your helmet and jump around like David Warner or if you press O then you will be boring and stand there and point at some seagull with your bat.
Fifa Style Celebrations, what I mean is that you say get your Ton and then if you press X you will do a back-flip (we NEED backflips in this game) or if you press ∆ you will take off your helmet and jump around like David Warner or if you press O then you will be boring and stand there and point at some seagull with your bat.
Don't you think backflilp is too much ???
Is the purported Patch 3 ever going to see the light of the day? :/
I'd like to see the bizarre mixture of superhuman and slow jogging fielders brought to an end in the upcoming patch. It's especially noticeable in 2 player matches.

Holding down R2 doesn't seem to help the slow joggers and releasing it doesn't slow down the super runners.
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I'd like to see the bizaree mixture of superhuman and slow jogging fielders brought to an end in the upcoming patch. It's especially noticeable in 2 player matches.

Holding down R2 doesn't seem to help the slow joggers and releasing it doesn't slow down the super runners.

This is especially noticeable in online games where you can take anywhere from 1 to 3 runs to the same field depending on the mood of the fielder.
For some reason I've got a feeling this patch is getting really close. Maybe because big ant hasn't been so active on here lately it seems like they probably know what they're gonna fix and are probably almost done so they're past the point of adding anything else in. I really hope that's the case anyway... haha
For some reason I've got a feeling this patch is getting really close. Maybe because big ant hasn't been so active on here lately it seems like they probably know what they're gonna fix and are probably almost done so they're past the point of adding anything else in. I really hope that's the case anyway... haha

I really hope that's not the case, because the last time they dropped a major patch fully formed without people on PC play testing it first, we had the abortion that was patch 2.
I think someone should add a poll here...

What are you more interested in Patch#3?
-Gameplay tweaks

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