Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

I will say it again that the biggest thin that's missing in this iteration is the 'square drive'. There is no shot to drive a full pitched delivery through the point, backward point or cover point regions. Either I can play a shot to Third man or drive the ball through extra cover region but there's no way for me to play the ball square through the off side. Biggest omission IMO as that's one of my favorite shots and I would love to play a square drive with one knee on the ground.
I will say it again that the biggest thin that's missing in this iteration is the 'square drive'. There is no shot to drive a full pitched delivery through the point, backward point or cover point regions. Either I can play a shot to Third man or drive the ball through extra cover region but there's no way for me to play the ball square through the off side. Biggest omission IMO as that's one of my favorite shots and I would love to play a square drive with one knee on the ground.
That too for animation I would love the way ABD plays it...
That too for animation I would love the way ABD plays it...

At this point I wouldn't really care about the animation as long as I can hit a fully pitched delivery square on the off side. That whole cover point to backward point area can't be hit through against a full pitched delivery at the moment. Don't think it can be patched in and is more of a next iteration of the game thing.
At this point I wouldn't really care about the animation as long as I can hit a fully pitched delivery square on the off side. That whole cover point to backward point area can't be hit through against a full pitched delivery at the moment. Don't think it can be patched in and is more of a next iteration of the game thing.
That shot not being included surely was a mistake along with slog sweep because both are commonly used shots in cricket....
At this point I wouldn't really care about the animation as long as I can hit a fully pitched delivery square on the off side. That whole cover point to backward point area can't be hit through against a full pitched delivery at the moment. Don't think it can be patched in and is more of a next iteration of the game thing.

i have found playing late and pointing slightly squarer that for a cover drive you can get the ball to go a bit squarer... not a full blooded square drive but makes up a bit for the lack of it. the square drive and slog sweep are certainly big misses, but for me the issues with bowling to the AI are the bits that really suck my enjoyment from this game.

I just finished the first multi-day game where i have played it from beginning to end and bowled every ball - it's only taken me a year to do that! (i have played all through some limited overs games, but everything else i end up simming bowling cuz it's shite.) Even then it was a custom format where the innings was closed after 90 overs - in neither innings did i take the full 10 wickets and in 180 overs I got precisely 3 edges (2 to keeper and caught, 1 to 2ndish slip where i didn't have anyone because why on earth would i?) and i could have shown more than 50 examples of the stupid leave thing i put the video of above - if these were treated properly (play and miss, proper defence, edges etc.) then it would be worth having slips. for a game that at times presents great realism to have made it not worthwhile setting realistic fields is a big letdown.
i have found playing late and pointing slightly squarer that for a cover drive you can get the ball to go a bit squarer... not a full blooded square drive but makes up a bit for the lack of it. the square drive and slog sweep are certainly big misses, but for me the issues with bowling to the AI are the bits that really suck my enjoyment from this game.

I just finished the first multi-day game where i have played it from beginning to end and bowled every ball - it's only taken me a year to do that! (i have played all through some limited overs games, but everything else i end up simming bowling cuz it's shite.) Even then it was a custom format where the innings was closed after 90 overs - in neither innings did i take the full 10 wickets and in 180 overs I got precisely 3 edges (2 to keeper and caught, 1 to 2ndish slip where i didn't have anyone because why on earth would i?) and i could have shown more than 50 examples of the stupid leave thing i put the video of above - if these were treated properly (play and miss, proper defence, edges etc.) then it would be worth having slips. for a game that at times presents great realism to have made it not worthwhile setting realistic fields is a big letdown.

Edges along with plays and misses needs an overhaul as there's no concept of putting pressure on AI batsmen or bringing close-in fielders, including slips & gully, into play. At least Big Ant put this piece in the game though it's broken, but the omission of square drive sort of sticks out to me. Not being able to play shots through one of the more productive areas for batsmen is a major oversight IMO. I did try playing cover drives later and squarer but you can't get those shots any squarer than cover point, and also the shots don't have enough power to reach the boundary.

A genuine square drive is missing in the game and I hope it gets added in the next iteration along with a more comprehensive "play and miss" and edges mechanism along with better AI fields and a better AI in general. The good news is we are hopefully one DBC iteration away from getting a perfect cricket game.
That shot not being included surely was a mistake along with slog sweep because both are commonly used shots in cricket....

I didn't find slog sweep's omission that big a deal for the following reasons...

1. It's not a staple cricket shot a la square drive.

2. You can still target the area of the field slog sweep shot is supposed to target, i.e. square leg and mid wkt regions, using different shots (glance, on drive etc.) but you simply can't play square of the wkt on the off side to a full pitched delivery on or outside off stump.
I didn't find slog sweep's omission that big a deal for the following reasons...

1. It's not a staple cricket shot a la square drive.

2. You can still target the area of the field slog sweep shot is supposed to target, i.e. square leg and mid wkt regions, using different shots (glance, on drive etc.) but you simply can't play square of the wkt on the off side to a full pitched delivery on or outside off stump.
Agreed but still...Because I love that slog sweep when it meets the middle of the bat....Yeah as far as placing a shot in that area totally agreed....
Doesn't matter re slog sweep. BA is replicating all batting shots, and the slog sweep is there. Its just missing. One shot I'm really sure is missing is the late cut. Not the glide to third man or the cut shot, but the late cut eg. what Steve Waugh loved, as well as Andrew Symonds. Back foot sharp cut shot but really late...this would then fly through backward point.
I'd like to see a variation or even a choice of crowd numbers in modes outside of career mode. Crowd numbers are currently always the same (full capacity) when in Tour or Competition mode.
The non striker moving out of the way went hitting down the ground.
Many times I have hit balls down the ground and the non striker just stands there and lets the ball hit them.
like in table top cricket non striker has an animation of bending down when the ball is hit straight.[DOUBLEPOST=1425903835][/DOUBLEPOST]glen maxwell should be used to mo cap the slog sweep n reverse sweep!
The thread is up to 84 pages now so its a bit of a case of tl;dr if I mention anything anyone else has (I'm sure I will), Most of what I want is fixes rather than new content (Light up bails and the ability to reverse slog would be cool tho). Also I only play on career mode so I can only comment on what I have seen while playing that.

- Fix the dopey fielders on your team - Deliberately letting catches go down because either a) they jog to the ball rather than run and usually end up missing out by a foot or so or b) sprinting to the ball and instead of getting into position to take the catch they position themselves to the side and try some half-assed dive and end up missing it or c) committing to slide to cut the ball off when they could have easily taken the catch. Also when fielding ground balls your fielders tend to run at the ball rather than run to a position to try and cut it off and usually end up running straight past the ball as it ends up rolling for 4 on what should have been a single. Also most of the time my fielders tend to throw lobs and on most occasions try to throw to the keepers end from long off/on letting the CPU get through for another single.

-Fix the CPU superman fielders - They can move at super speed to take catches (have been caught at wide on by a long-off fielder before), also 95% of their throws are low, flat bullet throws that either end up in a direct hit or land within 6-12 inches of the stumps and the fielder whips the bails off as he takes the ball.

- Fix the wicketkeepers - They have very slow reactions, takes them 100 years to attempt a stumping, they miss simple balls thrown back to them and I have had a number of instances where the batsman has edged the ball to the keeper and its gone through at a height where the keeper could easily take the catch at waist height but instead turns around runs 3-4 steps away from the ball and then tries to take the catch between his legs while facing backwards and letting the ball bounce before it goes into his gloves.

- Make Tail-enders feel like tail-enders - Too many times when I am bowling to tail-enders does it feel like I'm bowling to an opening batsman, they will hit perfectly timed shots to all parts of the ground off balls bowled on a good line and length, they rarely seem to edge the ball and seem to find the middle of the bat too often, also in career mode at least once a match will a tail-ender make at least 40 (mainly when simming to career player) It seems the game does this to inflate the CPU score to an acceptable level if you clean up their top order cheaply.

-Fix the CPU run aggressiveness - Their batsmen are way too tame when it comes to running between wickets, they will pass up many opportunities for an easy single or will call for one and turn back immediately. They will stroll through for a single on easy 2's and 2's on 3's which means there are practically never any run out chances.

-Fix Innings pacing issues - Neither team are aggressive enough during run chases in one-dayers or T20, I was able to win a game where they needed 6 off the final over because the batsman on strike had no interest in attempting to score any runs and was content blocking or casually pushing the ball to the fielders in the infield - not once did he even attempt a slightly aggressive shot and I bowled a maiden off the last over!!!! and in 4dayers or test matches too many times am I getting wickets by batsmen trying to blast the ball out of the ground on balls they had no chance of doing so.

-Make the bouncer useful - Only once in over 100 matches have I picked up a wicket off a bouncer or even come close to doing so, the batsmen always seem to duck out of the way or hit it for runs.

-add the element of surprise to bowling - very, very rarely am I able to make a batsman look stupid while taking his wicket as he already seems to know exactly what I am going to bowl as soon as the ball leaves the hand (maybe even before it does), Would be cool to see a batsman attempt a big cover drive and see a wrong un or an in swinger send his stumps flying because he has completely misread what was being bowled.

- Have the CPU play realistic shots - too many times will their batsman play late cuts over the keeper or slips heads to in-swinging yorkers pitched on leg stump or play shots through the offside to balls pitched outside leg stump.

-Widen the lbw zone slightly - I have had a few instances where according to the zone the ball has pitched in line with off stump, hit outside the line yet is going on to hit off stump with at least half the width of the ball.

- Also my bowler (Right ar medium pace) can't seem to bowl anything straight, even the straight seam ball seems to move like a leg cutter no matter where it is pictched and my straight seam skill is reasonably good and it happens on all different types of pitches.

That's all I can think of for now, but these things are holding me back from fully enjoying this game and while some other cool features like being able to edit your player and line ups during career mode would be nice, Just some simple fixes would do it for me.
- Make Tail-enders feel like tail-enders - Too many times when I am bowling to tail-enders does it feel like I'm bowling to an opening batsman, they will hit perfectly timed shots to all parts of the ground off balls bowled on a good line and length, they rarely seem to edge the ball and seem to find the middle of the bat too often, also in career mode at least once a match will a tail-ender make at least 40 (mainly when simming to career player) It seems the game does this to inflate the CPU score to an acceptable level if you clean up their top order cheaply.

-Fix the CPU run aggressiveness - Their batsmen are way too tame when it comes to running between wickets, they will pass up many opportunities for an easy single or will call for one and turn back immediately. They will stroll through for a single on easy 2's and 2's on 3's which means there are practically never any run out chances.

-Fix Innings pacing issues - Neither team are aggressive enough during run chases in one-dayers or T20, I was able to win a game where they needed 6 off the final over because the batsman on strike had no interest in attempting to score any runs and was content blocking or casually pushing the ball to the fielders in the infield - not once did he even attempt a slightly aggressive shot and I bowled a maiden off the last over!!!! and in 4dayers or test matches too many times am I getting wickets by batsmen trying to blast the ball out of the ground on balls they had no chance of doing so.

-add the element of surprise to bowling - very, very rarely am I able to make a batsman look stupid while taking his wicket as he already seems to know exactly what I am going to bowl as soon as the ball leaves the hand (maybe even before it does), Would be cool to see a batsman attempt a big cover drive and see a wrong un or an in swinger send his stumps flying because he has completely misread what was being bowled.


I am pretty sure @Ross has said previously that the AI do know exactly what's coming before it's coming. This of itself isn't a problem - i imagine it's the same in all cricket games – but the implementation in DBC causes the major problems of few AI edges, middle or miss, and tailender batting. Because the AI knows the exact path of the ball, you get issues where you bowl a great ball in the corridor and end up with the AI leaving the ball by backing away outside leg before the ball has even pitched…

I posted this video before but I’ll repost it now…

This is something that happens to me a lot and it is completely dispiriting. You’re forced to bowl in an unrealistic manner because good balls like this go unrewarded.

I don’t know if the AI batter code has any “uncertainty” factor built in but it doesn’t seem like it… there should be something like the path is only 90% certain for 5 helmet batter, 80% certain for 4 helmet etc. to help us get more edges, more close play and misses, hits that aren’t perfectly middle etc…

Bowling generally feels like you’re always bowling to the same batter, in the same conditions, and you get wickets that are essentially pre-determined (why does a batter who has played everything along the ground decide to hole out to mid-on out of the blue, why does a guy on 97 warp to outside off and play a completely inappropriate shot so he is bowled off his legs?). it is extremely rare in the game to feel you have earned a wicket.

The pacing issue is also very frustrating. I’ve been writing up some matches in the Match experience thread, and I’m playing a custom format where the first 3 innings of the match is closed at 90 overs (no closure in 4th innings to allow draws). I’ve bowled 3 innings to the AI and every time they’ve lasted the full 90 overs, and every time they played the last 10-20 overs as if they had 1000 overs left. Even when they were following on and needing to set some sort of target, they blocked out a lot and ended up only 29 in front. Then I’ve just had a side scoring 30 off the last 10 even though they had 3 wickets in hand… The games are enjoyable to a point, but equally I know I can win the game without bowling them out in either innings as long as I bat last – provided I don’t bat like a complete mug they will never score quickly enough to set a challenging total. This is exacerbated by the running issue as the chances are the AI have turned down anything from 30-50 runs over the course of the 90 overs not taking clear singles.

At the moment, bowling is considerably less satisfying than batting; batting suffers considerably from the AI field settings but is generally a much more complete experience that you feel you have control over. Bowling is a slot machine – you pull the lever until the game decides you can have 3 cherries.

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