Patch General discussion

Patch#1 was not a scheduled patch, it was finished and submitted last week. Top of the list was career mode players keeping their roles/normalisation of stats, and the accuracy and want of fielders to throw the stumps down. We have also put in some other changes but they were the main ones.

In other words @BigAntStudios you are saying (sorry to put words in your mouth) that the 1st released patch was to correct a few anomalies and bugs that us consumers requested, such as runouts, direct hits etc.. and your planned (second) patch will address a few things you had intended from day 1 such as co op multi player?

In summary, this unplanned first patch is just you guys beings awesome, respecting our observations, probably cost you guys some $, so please be grateful, patient, and just wait till patch 2 for the constantly repeated requests regarding other issues?....

Sorry to sound like a "henchman"....but you bigantstudios guys are just being fantastic with your social inclusive approach. Thanks, bloody legends
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I'm definitely spinning in the right direction and there's only so many ways you can twist a joystick anticlockwise 3 times without breaking it (which I swear I've almost done trying to get maximum revs).

How do I get my RPMs >180?

You just need to select a specific delivery type and then it should work. So before you press whether you want a full, good or short pitched delivery make an input on the LAS and then start the revolutions. I was having the same problem until I played a test match where I just kept using a spinner.
But can take 4 hours to get across all servers
1. So I download patch. 2. Delete my Victorian career and go to restart..... Turns out the Victorian team is not there anymore:eek: I have tried to download best teams again but still not showing up. How do I go back to default squads so I can start process again? Have downloaded some random Vic team in meantime but would prefer the squad that comes with best teams download.

Go to Victoria in the Team Section, and there should be an option at the bottom of the screen to "Replace With Best". Try that.
Yes, for some :facepalm
You just need to select a specific delivery type and then it should work. So before you press whether you want a full, good or short pitched delivery make an input on the LAS and then start the revolutions. I was having the same problem until I played a test match where I just kept using a spinner.

yeah, normally I select say stock legspin (LAS 11 oclock position) then select A then twist 3 times then RAS up (to bowl at stumps) = 180 rpm, so I'm not sure what I'm missing. I try to time my last revolution with RAS up.
I'm definitely spinning in the right direction and there's only so many ways you can twist a joystick anticlockwise 3 times without breaking it (which I swear I've almost done trying to get maximum revs).

How do I get my RPMs >180?

Its really easy. Do the tutorial in practice match. It doesn't take speed at all.

Sounds like you are using a finger spinner in which case you aren't spinning it in the right direction

Oh, and this has nothing to do with this thread. Maybe it can be moved to questions
Thanks guys for the patch much improved gameplay experience :clap.
Still no luck in australia
Its really easy. Do the tutorial in practice match. It doesn't take speed at all.

Sounds like you are using a finger spinner in which case you aren't spinning it in the right direction

Oh, and this has nothing to do with this thread. Maybe it can be moved to questions

yeah sorry all - still no luck here in Aust but its only 7.43pm - didn't someone say 9pm?

is there a patch log somewhere?

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