PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

i am pretty sure even in auto you need to take the catch.
Auto requires no input for catching and will base it off the height, distance covered to get to the ball and whether the fielder was or was not diving for the ball.

Semi-Auto and Manual fielding require input, input is the same though, there's no difference based on that setting.
Mode: Career (but could be in other modes to)
Match Type:FC (4 days)
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 33 over (start of second session)
Teams:hampshire vs northhampshire
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue: The score card resets to 0 at start of the second session,but corrects itself after the first ball faced.
So I played T10s & T20s in tours & compete mode with amateur & Pro difficulty. Best cricket game of all time
But I found that.....
1. Hitting 6s & 4s are easy than taking singles. [in both amateur & pro mode]
2. AI is too much clever in subject of running bet. wickets. No run outs!
3. I hit too many sixes with aggressive shot button.
4. When I hit straight most of the time bowler stops the bowl & drops the catches. So I have to watch that replay everytime this happens.
5. Deep Mid on/off is filled with players in whole match so can't get a run by hitting slightly straight. So You can hit over deep mid on/off & get 4s & 6s.
AI is really stupid in matter of fielding.
Mode: Online
Match Type: T20
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Start of the 2nd Inning
Teams: Kabul Kabuliwalas vs Lahore Badshahs (Custom Team)
Get Best: No
Description of Issue: I had a game with @RIZZYX where we connected fine and played till the 1st Inning and then we saved & exit. Now when we tried to start again, no matter what we do, we cannot connect to each other for either this game or even a new game. We both can play with other Online Players with no issue. I also faced this problem with another player. There are no problems with my connection or computer.
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@BigAntStudios @HBK619 ...I am not able to host online matches , when i select create match game crashes...also lot of times quick matches in online also it crashes frequently which make even more frustrated.....please help me in this ASAP...
Mode: Online
Match Type: T20
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Start of the 2nd Inning
Teams: Kabul Kabuliwalas vs Lahore Badshahs (Custom Team)
Get Best: No
Description of Issue: I had a game with @RIZZYX where we connected fine and played till the 1st Inning and then we saved & exit. Now when we tried to start again, no matter what we do, we cannot connect to each other for either this game or even a new game. We both can play with other Online Players with no issue. I also faced this problem with another player. There are no problems with my connection or computer.

yup online have issues . try to turn off ur firewall and ur partners firewall , i did this and then works fine.
Game Is really Damn Good. Best Cricket Ever . Every shot style awesome. But not a single time success on review Lol.

If you Kindly IPL Added on Competition That would be great. Any Update Possible for IPL in Future?

And Enjoying Online Also. I am your Legit Customer Buy from steam 44.99$ :thumbs
I've been running the game offline for the last 2 days and it's been crashing on me a couple of times - I'm running it on low to med settings. It doesn't always crash but when it does, it's on the weather screen. The game forces close to the dekstop. Any one else facing this problem?

On the day of release, I played the game for about 3-4 hours and not a single time did it crash.
I've been running the game offline for the last 2 days and it's been crashing on me a couple of times - I'm running it on low to med settings. It doesn't always crash but when it does, it's on the weather screen. The game forces close to the dekstop. Any one else facing this problem?

On the day of release, I played the game for about 3-4 hours and not a single time did it crash.

yes , finally someone has same problem
yes , finally someone has same problem

Yes me too, got my steel box on friday played for 4 hours and no problems.
Late saturday it crash for the firts time and on sonday like 6 time:noway
Just got a new patch to the game - what's changed in it?

There are some changes but I thought they were going live tomorrow - I'll see if they went early.

BTW Anyone having the issue of not being able to get back to the menu after a match with 'Waiting for Exit', I'd really like one of you to tell me your Steam name. Anyone? Please.

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