PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Green ticks are just to identify those who have verified their ownership of the game on PC in the main DBC14 forum.
Is the DBC academy down?
When I browsed the online community for popular teams, it says no results.

Edit: Fixed now. Update 1.08 was pending.
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Green ticks are just to identify those who have verified their ownership of the game on PC in the main DBC14 forum.

Is there dancing girls in this "Green Tick" club?
The controller in the Limited Edition does not have vibration.

Mine vibrates :p it's just that "A" and "B" as well as "X" and "Y" are swapped to where they would be on an Xbox controller.

I just need the Xbox receiver for my PC then I can use one of my Xbox controllers... but those receivers are more expensive alone than they are bundled with a new controller, I REALLY don't need a new Xbox controller, I have 7 already.
What's the changelog with 1.08? Can't test the game since at work right now!
I haven't noticed my green tick yet but I verified yesterday

ahh there it is
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Hi Ross,

Is there any co-op patch in the pipeline?
Ok please help.
Steam id-jesususedak47.
match-10 overs
Fault-bowled opponent and play still just continues as if nothings happened.
Have my steam set to automatically update game but i dont think ive noticed it update in the last week,i might be mistaken.
Is there anyway to tell whether i am still playing 1.6 or 1.7 version.?
Is there anyway to tell whether i am still playing 1.6 or 1.7 version.?

Go to Options->Credits. It will list your current version and Steam ID as well as copy that information to the clipboard.
Go to Options->Credits. It will list your current version and Steam ID as well as copy that information to the clipboard.

Where is the options in steam,i see setting but not options.:facepalm
Hey Ross problem solved about not being able to access the cricket academy servers ... ffs silly me tried everything except check something in my firewall settings

Could you please enlist the changes you made to the firewall? I've been having trouble with the "Get Best" option. Maybe I could go your route and see if that helps.

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