PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

i aldready have xbox 360 for pc but i am in confusion in between the 2 editions if it has vibration effect i will go for it or i will go for the collectors:thumbs
i aldready have xbox 360 for pc but i am in confusion in between the 2 editions if it has vibration effect i will go for it or i will go for the collectors
Just get the game by itself - the Xbox 360 controller will be vastly superior than the bundled one - just the bundled one is better than most of the cheap controllers people are using.
@MattW i want to get a dvd version so i am in confusion between the 2 and i have played the game once in my friends laptop and its really nice so i wanted to buy it and i am saving money for it.I have also made my two professors to buy the game;)
@MattW i want to get a dvd version so i am in confusion between the 2 and i have played the game once in my friends laptop and its really nice so i wanted to buy it and i am saving money for it.I have also made my two professors to buy the game
Well get the one with the Bradman DVD and buy some cake with the change.

If you've got a good controller like the 360 one you don't need the controller bundle.
The controller in the Limited Edition does not have vibration.
Anyone else have a 'jumpy' bowling meter? Doesn't feel smooth for me and it's affecting my timing.

Seems quite micro-stuttery in general, hmm.
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Mode: Casual
Match Type:Five5
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Between overs 2 and 3, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.
Ground: Delhi Park
Teams: India (current generation) vs Pakistan (current generation)
Get Best: No Current gen.
Description of Issue: I bowl to the batsman, he gets bowled attempting a shot(which comes in after the stumps are dislodged) but when I see clearly, I see that the ball is nowhere near the stump and it goes in the direction which the batsman attempted to play the shot.

The above issue is still persisting @Ross . I know you are already working on other issues reported to you, but I will be more that happy if you could look into this. This has happened many times for me now and my steam id is mrcrickbuck. If you want to know how I got DBC 14, I bought the Limited edition which comes with the steelbook and console.

Thanks in advance.


This happened when I played with other teams too, Casual being the mode and Five 5 being the type.
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Anyone else have a 'jumpy' bowling meter? Doesn't feel smooth for me and it's affecting my timing.

Seems quite micro-stuttery in general, hmm.

I'd just not use it frankly. I had it on for the inital match practice and found it more distracting than anything. I was watching that, and not my bowler, which is what I should have been doing, so I turned it off straight away after that. Only myself to blame when I get slogged for 6 now! :p
I'd just not use it frankly. I had it on for the inital match practice and found it more distracting than anything. I was watching that, and not my bowler, which is what I should have been doing, so I turned it off straight away after that. Only myself to blame when I get slogged for 6 now! :p

I find the audio assist which can now be used on any level is great. Helps you with timing and you're still watching the bowler.

Maybe less helpful for spin cuz you still don't know how well you're revving it till after you've bowled, but great for seam.

Doesn't stop me being slogged though.
can now be used on any level

I didn't know that. I'd turned it off after practice because I assumed it would be disabled once I went up a difficulty anyway. I did find that most useful in starting to get the hang of the timing though. I might try and keep going without any assistance anyway, but that's good to know it's there if I go through a really bad spell, haha!

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