PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

SteamID: simply.not.edibl (e?)

Career / Casual
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I'm using a logitech controller, and the control-reaction time seems to lag horribly. After trying in practice and seeing that it works as should, I retry in career and discover that I still can't get a decent reaction time for playing shots.

The first time it happened was during a casual test match, SA v. Russia, playing on Rookie mode (which I am - I want practice timing). However, after building a decent start, suddenly reaction-time got all sluggish, leading to a collapse. In career as well, on a first-class game where I get a decent start in, suddenly the reaction time slows down horribly, and I can't play anything anymore.

Restarting hasn't fixed the issue.

Anyone any idea on what may be causing this? Because I'm finding it hard to enjoy the game with the controls suddenly so much more sluggish than they were in my initial plays.
Anyone any idea on what may be causing this? Because I'm finding it hard to enjoy the game with the controls suddenly so much more sluggish than they were in my initial plays.
I think there's a switch on the back of most Logitech controllers, make sure you haven't bumped that - it should be set to X rather than I.

Wild stab in the dark.
ya it means the game has booted in safe mode, it happens when you have exited the game using altf4 or due to crash.
If you restart the game again after exiting it properly through the menu, it will be alright.
Outside leg, you say?


Oh OK then.
Description of Issue: Missing Higher Resolution Option. The maximum seems to be 1280 x 1024.

The game was originally running at 1440 x 900 until a change of graphics hardware. Anyone know a possible solution?
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ya it means the game has booted in safe mode, it happens when you have exited the game using altf4 or due to crash.
If you restart the game again after exiting it properly through the menu, it will be alright.

Thanks for that. Clearly it is not a bug and just me.
ya it means the game has booted in safe mode, it happens when you have exited the game using altf4 or due to crash.
If you restart the game again after exiting it properly through the menu, it will be alright.
I use Alt+F4 a lot when I'm testing mods instead of quitting through the menus and it doesn't cause this message. I only get it when the game crashes, which I can trigger (Win 8.1) by locking the PC (Win key + L) then unlocking.
I use Alt+F4 a lot when I'm testing mods instead of quitting through the menus and it doesn't cause this message. I only get it when the game crashes, which I can trigger (Win 8.1) by locking the PC (Win key + L) then unlocking.
ya normally doesn't happen with Alt+F4, but had it once or twice could have been other things so thought might as well add it.
Description of Issue: Missing Higher Resolution Option. The maximum seems to be 1280 x 1024.

The game was originally running at 1440 x 900 until a change of graphics hardware. Anyone know a possible solution?

Off the bat I'd suggest reinstalling the drivers for your GPU. It doesn't appear to be reporting the correct resolution. Can you confirm what resolution Windows is set to right now?
I got selected for aus 50 over cup but selection status still says expecting selection



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