PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

Agree 100 % with you Mattw .

I`ve never said that coding or getting a bug figured out was easy . Just very easy for us as the end user to see , and note it on our side.

So in saying that , I just expected the playtesters , to have had that Eureka moment around day 2 with alot of the irritations , like for example : changing your field setup for the umptheenth time when a new batsmen/bowler starts , and convey the message to the clever guys down at the coding side of things to get it fixed/changed.
so to act high and mighty thinking that your company cannot have shortcomings will not get you anywhere

Except that's so completely not what is going on here. This is an internet forum. You're being a knob, you have a point, but calling his staff useless is a douche-move. Especially since they're all good guys trying to do the exact thing you want them to do; Fix the bugs.

but to just call him a 'cock' and dismiss his concerns

...it was kinda funny. It's cute how some people can't take it when Ross bites back, yet they're totally okay with having a crack at him.

I think some things that seem "no-brainers" to you (or others) may not seem that way to the folks working/testing the game and or may no manifest themselves in "obvious" ways, since everyone plays the game differently and there's certainly folks documented out there that don't get all of the issues. The non-trigger ground shot, the Xbox one, and so on. A lot of the stuff getting picked up isn't as widespread as say, the fielding imbalance upon release... which affected everyone.
When I get criticism of my staff , I look into it and dont try and attack and discredit the messenger . Especially not if he is a Client , even if he is wrong.

Most of the times , there is some truth behind customer complaints , so to act high and mighty thinking that your company cannot have shortcomings will not get you anywhere.

Obviously I care about customers but the respect works both ways, you've unnecessarily disrespected my staff and I've called you out for behaving like a cock.

I accept criticism and apologise where it is reasonable. Your obviously one of those "customer is always right even when they're wrong" types - there's just too much of it about.
...it was kinda funny. It's cute how some people can't take it when Ross bites back, yet they're totally okay with having a crack at him.

Give it to me then complain if any comes back - same old same old... anyway, 'night all - I've been told by the real "Boss"
I accept criticism and apologise where it is reasonable. Your obviously one of those "customer is always right even when they're wrong" types - there's just too much of it about.
It's about time you got called out:
Your obviously one of those

You're, not 'your'.
Ive never reverted to name calling Ross . So I fail to understand how I "Gave it to you" I told you your playtesters are not doing their job , like they are supposed to thats all.

It seems pretty childish to revert to name calling to try and defend your employees , but thats a trait we`ve grown a bit used to from you , so no harm done there.

I also hate the instances where you guys are taken down and critized wrongfully . But I also dont appreciate your approach of trying to berate

any person that differs from your viewpoint.

They are probably a real great bunch of guys , but its a shortcoming that from my side of the fence seemed pretty evident. I apologise if my observation sounded harsh.

Enjoy the evening , with the real boss....
I actually don't mind the umpires not calling no-balls because thats cool, but they GOTTA pick them up on review... that's really crucial to the whole DRS implementation.

It's actually only happening in online games when you over-step by giving late jump input combined with late(poor) release of ball, it wont happen with AI,they said its because of latency(might be).
Anyone any idea on what may be causing this? Because I'm finding it hard to enjoy the game with the controls suddenly so much more sluggish than they were in my initial plays.

Having uninstalled and reinstalled both the game, and the controller, I still seem to run into the sudden sluggish controls issue. I was just playing a 50 over match between Australia and India last night, and after 7 overs of good reaction time, the game's reactions to my controller-input whilst batting suddenly slowed right down again. It gets to the point where I have to insert a shot before the bowler releases to have a chance of making contact. Can't really play a batting game like that.

Switching the control-mode on the back of the controller hasn't helped, either. The problem keeps returning.
He may have been off the mark then on this particular issue, but his point about obvious things slipping through playtesting does hold water and is clearly evident in the example of the aerial no trigger shots. That is easily identifiable in only a few minutes play yet made it into patch#2 and it seemed Big Ant weren't aware until we kicked up a fuss about it on here.

I'll just quietly say here that the aerial no-trigger shots was easily identifiable for me, because I noticed it immediately. That being said, there were (and probably still are?) people who didn't think anything had changed in that respect.

So it's something that some people found easy to miss.
That being said, there were (and probably still are?) people who didn't think anything had changed in that respect.
I think its people who use far batsman cam are less likely to find it at start as the sound accompanying the shots that go aerial have the crunchy effect you would get when you ground one as well as from that angle you will feel it went well unless you are suspicious at start, i noticed it cause i use close cam and picked it then went on to check the replays which greatly helps in finding it out.
I think its people who use far batsman cam are less likely to find it at start as the sound accompanying the shots that go aerial have the crunchy effect you would get when you ground one as well as from that angle you will feel it went well unless you are suspicious at start, i noticed it cause i use close cam and picked it then went on to check the replays which greatly helps in finding it out.

That's a good point, I use close cam as well.
I have not played online a lot( mostly have been playing in career mode) but posting a few quick queries/questions for online pros to help/comment to see if this is normal online behavior of DB14 or if there is something I can do to improve my gaming experience( apologies if this has already been discussed/answered before)

1) The bowler kind of moves in slow motion in delivery stride(before releasing) - doesn't bother that much but just wondering if there is a setting/config etc to turn this off

1) While I can bat reasonably well in career mode , I feel I need to premeditate while playing online and press the buttons much earlier than in offline/career mode.... if I wait for the ball to be released and follow its trajectory its already too late.
2) Just in general the online game seems to lag and be a bit jittery, didn't have this problem in AC 2009 or even cricket revolution or other FPS.( I already have a pretty fast internet connection so it's not network speed on my end)
3) In conjunction with premeditation above, detecting speed variations in deliveries is almost impossible for me at this time so in essence I am just rolling the dice most of the times while batting online, if it connects it connects otherwise i get bowled or caught(mistimed)

Combination of the above more or less ruins the online game for me. I am hoping and assuming that this is not the general experience of everyone here and maybe there are few things which can be done on my end to improve and meditate these.

Any help/advise will be appreciated.thanks
I know when I've been bowling I've had no-balls that weren't called - I've not had a wicket come of that though. I did however see someone else report that once they had a review that even showed the front-foot no ball and despite the camera showing that clearly, it wasn't overturned.

Had this the other night playing against Dridge118, reviewed it and it was definately a no ball by about 12 inches but no overturn on the decision.

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