PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

And the Big Ant team have worked hard on the game and probably don't deserve the majority of the misinformed diatribe that gets thrown around these parts
The guy's paid money for his game so he probably didn't deserve the rude sarcasm.

"The guy" basically told the CEO of a company that his staff were shithouse. I think he got as good as he gave... It's easy for us to armchair quarterback this game with little to no knowledge of how difficult it is to track these things down and fix em. If you're going to make a post directed at the CEO of the company that made the game and tell him his employee's aren't doing their job, then you're prolly not going to get a warm hot-chocolate and pat on the back.

Some of these bugs are obvious to us, but I would wager a healthy fiver that none of us can remember the steps we took to get the errors in the first place. That's what fiction was asking... I find it odd he couldn't replicate the error too, but it's not worth berating the very staff that are trying to make the game better for us.
Acid Burn does kinda have a point though when it comes to things slipping through internal playtesting - stuff like the aerial no trigger shots for instance should never have made it into the final version of patch#2 that got sent to MS/Sony.
That's the first I've heard of that issue ;)
All jokes aside, it is relevant to the topic at hand.

It's something that should have been identified immediately in playtesting and never allowed to be let through into a patch that got published to PS3/360 and remain the same for the PC since release. I haven't noticed the c&b issue in particular so much as I tend to just skip those cutscenes but it's something that I've seen reported very often.
Acid Burn does kinda have a point though when it comes to things slipping through internal playtesting - stuff like the aerial no trigger shots for instance should never have made it into the final version of patch#2 that got sent to MS/Sony.

Nope, he has no point whatsoever. He didn't "get" that we knew the problem existed and that we were thankful that people were providing video and steps for reproduction.

Just because someone pays for something does not give them the right to behave like a cock.[DOUBLEPOST=1408198147][/DOUBLEPOST]
All jokes aside, it is relevant to the topic at hand.

It's something that should have been identified immediately in playtesting and never allowed to be let through into a patch that got published to PS3/360 and remain the same for the PC since release. I haven't noticed the c&b issue in particular so much as I tend to just skip those cutscenes but it's something that I've seen reported very often.

Yep, first game ever with bugs. I'll be sure to fire everyone on Monday.
The 2nd "Wicket" of that Hat-Trick was absolutely a no-ball because my little bowling meter
Wait. What? You use the bowling meter? Weak.

I know when I've been bowling I've had no-balls that weren't called - I've not had a wicket come of that though. I did however see someone else report that once they had a review that even showed the front-foot no ball and despite the camera showing that clearly, it wasn't overturned.

IMO, the one thing that needs to be looked into ASAP is the slow-runners in the outfield. It's incredibly inconsistent so you can never count on say, two to deep square leg, because sometimes he'll run, sometimes he'll slow-run and I have had 2 occasion tonight where he simply stopped running and walked to the ball giving away 3! Which is fine if you're the batting side but if you're trying to restrict runs you're giving away anything from 2 - 3 runs to a fielder where it should be 1 max.
The match highlights video I'm uploading now has a few of these. Though the slow running thing is quite evident in the clip above, because I'd have never came back for the second run off that overthrow if the fielder went at a normal speed.
Wait. What? You use the bowling meter? Weak.

I'm not the hero you want, I'm the hero you need.

they had a review that even showed the front-foot no ball and despite the camera showing that clearly, it wasn't overturned.

I actually don't mind the umpires not calling no-balls because thats cool, but they GOTTA pick them up on review... that's really crucial to the whole DRS implementation.

The match highlights video I'm uploading now

...'now' is too slow.
Nope, he has no point whatsoever. He didn't "get" that we knew the problem existed and that we were thankful that people were providing video and steps for reproduction.

Just because someone pays for something does not give them the right to behave like a cock.[DOUBLEPOST=1408198147][/DOUBLEPOST]

Yep, first game ever with bugs. I'll be sure to fire everyone on Monday.

Please start with the Game testers. The rest of the gang are doing a super job !

PS. And just because you are the CEO of a company , doesnt give you the right to behave like a cock either.
It's something that should have been identified immediately in playtesting and never allowed to be let through into a patch that got published to PS3/360 and remain the same for the PC since release. I haven't noticed the c&b issue in particular so much as I tend to just skip those cutscenes but it's something that I've seen reported very often.
I took a look back through my email exchanges with Mikey and Ross from when I was trying the PC version early - I didn't notice the caught and bowled thing, I did notice the slow fielders but at the time considered it to be merely an overcorrection from the frequent warping that you got on the console - you don't notice it nearly as much against the AI which will usually run in a manner that fits the speed of the fielders.

I'd add to that by saying that when you are playing against the AI and you get the 'walking' - it makes it feel a lot more like cricket, particularly in the longer form matches. Not every ball has the batsmen sprinting for 3, and the fielders chasing after the ball like their lives depended on it. Online and while batting against the AI it becomes an issue because you can exploit that slowness for extra undeserved runs - but I like the direction that it goes in.

For another bug, that appealing bug - I noticed that fairly early on but it took a while for them to manage to work out that the reason was the appeal being before/at the same time as the catch was being taken. I was just there baffled by how it seemed totally random. I think they eventually got it by debugging logs I sent - but it was very hard to reproduce while logging. Something that you're sure happens all the time just suddenly never happens when you want it to.
"The guy" basically told the CEO of a company that his staff were shithouse. I think he got as good as he gave... It's easy for us to armchair quarterback this game with little to no knowledge of how difficult it is to track these things down and fix em. If you're going to make a post directed at the CEO of the company that made the game and tell him his employee's aren't doing their job, then you're prolly not going to get a warm hot-chocolate and pat on the back.

Some of these bugs are obvious to us, but I would wager a healthy fiver that none of us can remember the steps we took to get the errors in the first place. That's what fiction was asking... I find it odd he couldn't replicate the error too, but it's not worth berating the very staff that are trying to make the game better for us.

When I get criticism of my staff , I look into it and dont try and attack and discredit the messenger . Especially not if he is a Client , even if he is wrong.

Most of the times , there is some truth behind customer complaints , so to act high and mighty thinking that your company cannot have shortcomings will not get you anywhere.
nothing constructive will happen by blaming ross or the guys who are making the game, even the best of us miss simple things sometimes in our jobs.

Im sure going into patch 2 the testing guys focus would have been mainly on AI, fielding and online , its only when you notice these other issues, it becomes easy to spot.

Also what we have got are leftover bugs so during testing there could have been numerous more things that could have eclipsed these ones considerably.
Nope, he has no point whatsoever. He didn't "get" that we knew the problem existed and that we were thankful that people were providing video and steps for reproduction.
Just because someone pays for something does not give them the right to behave like a cock.
He may have been off the mark then on this particular issue, but his point about obvious things slipping through playtesting does hold water and is clearly evident in the example of the aerial no trigger shots. That is easily identifiable in only a few minutes play yet made it into patch#2 and it seemed Big Ant weren't aware until we kicked up a fuss about it on here.

Perhaps the tone of his post was a little harsh but to just call him a 'cock' and dismiss his concerns is a bit silly IMO.

Yep, first game ever with bugs. I'll be sure to fire everyone on Monday.
I didn't say that, I mention this issue as proof that Acid Burn's general complaint has some substance. All games have bugs but missing one as obvious as the no trigger shots issue is quite a big mistake. I admire your attitude of standing by your staff but you should own up for mistakes rather than calling people who point them out 'cocks'.

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