PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

...Just hop over to another thread. Hop. Geddit? [HASHTAG]#MultiTransitionalThreadJoke[/HASHTAG].
Mine isn't working offline either..

ID - 76561197989327715

Was in the middle of a fantastic game, NZ v Ireland, thought it was a save game corruption so deleted it, reinstalled the game, reset all my players.. Gutted that its made no difference, but guess if everyone is having the problem then its nothing to do with my machine.

Ironically I got the PC version just because I couldnt tolerate the save game crash on the Xbox before the workaround was found out.

This game is as frustrating as Sim City 2013. At least it is good
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It should now be fixed. Sorry :(
My controller was not detected
All the mods and sponsors dis appeared
The desktop shortcut became a globe symbol
Unable to browse online community
I feared that i messed up the game, no internet at that time as Chennai was just hit by a heavy thunderstorm, i couldn't check PC
I uninstalled the game from Steam and i have re installed it
Now its back to the factory settings and in Steam i still see all the achievements but in game i start from level 1 again.
The camera view has changed, the difficulty levels are seeming much different
What has just happened here? Can someone please help!
Apologies to all, someone committed code overnight that they shouldn't have.
All should be OK now - again - I very sincerely apologise.
Thank's mate,but now you have a lot of very p'd off ppl who purchased dbc14 who have now lost created team's/player's/career/leaderboard stat's.
Thanks Ross

And that is the difference between DBC and Sim City
Thank's mate,but now you have a lot of very p'd off ppl who purchased dbc14 who have now lost created team's/player's/career/leaderboard stat's.

They should not be lost.[DOUBLEPOST=1408920489][/DOUBLEPOST]Are they?
Thanks Ross

And that is the difference between DBC and Sim City

Yeah - if this was EA, this BS would be here for days!

And I don't know about you guys but since this has been fixed, I've been getting the typical 'jaffer' deliveries - you know: the sort of thing that cuts the batsman in half, along with some ultra thin nicks. Never saw those before - sure I got nicks but you could always see the deviation on the ball. Was an update snuck in at the same time as the fix?
They should not be lost.[DOUBLEPOST=1408920489][/DOUBLEPOST]Are they?
Lol I deleted everything thinking like before that it was my dbc14 and reinstalled,but my bad coz I should have visited and read p/c forum that every1 had the same dbc14 game issue,but I now know I'm not the only 1 who reinstalled dbc14,lol.
And today's lesson learned is if you have to delete something, make sure you back it up first - regardless whether you think the file is corrupted!

Nothing you can do about it now though, unfortunately.
There's some pretty good recovery software out there, speaking from very recent experience, but yeah... always back up.

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