PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

i noticed 2 basic problems in game ,

1. i think fielding is quite slow , its easy to get 2 runs sometimes when its actually 1.

2. when i play double players , during bowling when i chose to bowl on off side it goes on leg side and when i bowl on leg side it goes off side, my invert control option is untick also.
We've had reports that when the game boots some people are being taken to the steam store page. Anyone getting that?
More scripted randomness. I love it! :)

For me it was on the leg side..I hit the ball to backward square leg and he did not react to the catch but it hit his shoulders and the forward square leg caught it...Was confused whether to be amazed or feel sad as I was batting at 51*...Was in great flow....:(
I played with a guy kunal2901980 the game got disconnected and i am in a winning position. I am not sure whether he is using retail version or pirated.

How can i continue the game or will i granted with win. please advise how it works ?


^This guy gets it.
Thanks for that, yes, it's out.

Once we get past the X360 issue there will be something coming in a patch on PC for those that are not as dextrous as others.

but please do not tinker the pro level difficulty as I am finding it pretty balanced, rewarding and punishing at right times.
but please do not tinker the pro level difficulty as I am finding it pretty balanced, rewarding and punishing at right times.

Yes, I agree. I am playing a PC version. I find the PRO level pretty balanced too. Right now am getting all out in 50s and 60s :-), but am just padding up. I think it would be pretty realistic & balanced once I master in Pro.
Ball wear not saving after save game

Hey Ross, hope you can have a look at this BUG:

The ball wear seems to disappear after you re-load and go back to a saved game.

Mode: All
Match Type: All
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): All
Ground: All
Teams: All
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue:

The ball wear seems to disappear upon re-loading the game.

* Here is the ball in over 59.3 - I have been really lazy and haven't been shining my balls, so it looks quite rough like a hand me down School Cricket ball:


* Saved the game and re-loaded, over 59.4 the same ball is now brand new, and the ball is now swinging more as well:


Hope this can be added to the future patch fix list
Steam-ID: VampyreSquirrel

Noticed something while either batting or bowling in career, doesn't matter of type of match.

There's always a fielder that will literally WALK to field the ball, and it's not always someone in the same fielding position, can be in covers, long on, 3rd man, really doesn't matter, but it's in every game without fail.

Fielder walks towards the ball (which has inevitably stopped) and then slides at it and collects it, then throws it in to either bowler or keeper.
There's always a fielder that will literally WALK to field the ball, and it's not always someone in the same fielding position, can be in covers, long on, 3rd man, really doesn't matter, but it's in every game without fail.
Opposition or your team? If your own, turn on manual fielding and it will go away.
Opposition or your team? If your own, turn on manual fielding and it will go away.

It's on both teams, mainly noticed in Career... I'm not controlling the other fielders at all either way.


I got a receiver for wirelss xbox controller off amazon for peanuts

Thanks, I'll look into that.
Mode: Career
Match Type: 50 over Aus Domestic
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): When I resumed my game after a save
Ground: Any
Teams: Melbourne Renegades vs other teams
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

I had been appointed as captain of my Domestic 50 over team, while playing I promoted myself from no. 4 to no. 3 and after playing some overs of the 50 over match I decided to take a break, saved the game. When I resumed, the graphic showed that the guy who I had demoted and was now supposed to bat at no.4 has been made the captain and I had lost control of the team as a captain.

I am currently on the most recently updated version of the game.
Pls help asap
Steam id: Dicky
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