PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

I have not played online a lot( mostly have been playing in career mode) but posting a few quick queries/questions for online pros to help/comment to see if this is normal online behavior of DB14 or if there is something I can do to improve my gaming experience( apologies if this has already been discussed/answered before)

1) The bowler kind of moves in slow motion in delivery stride(before releasing) - doesn't bother that much but just wondering if there is a setting/config etc to turn this off

1) While I can bat reasonably well in career mode , I feel I need to premeditate while playing online and press the buttons much earlier than in offline/career mode.... if I wait for the ball to be released and follow its trajectory its already too late.
2) Just in general the online game seems to lag and be a bit jittery, didn't have this problem in AC 2009 or even cricket revolution or other FPS.( I already have a pretty fast internet connection so it's not network speed on my end)
3) In conjunction with premeditation above, detecting speed variations in deliveries is almost impossible for me at this time so in essence I am just rolling the dice most of the times while batting online, if it connects it connects otherwise i get bowled or caught(mistimed)

Combination of the above more or less ruins the online game for me. I am hoping and assuming that this is not the general experience of everyone here and maybe there are few things which can be done on my end to improve and meditate these.

Any help/advise will be appreciated.thanks

The Bowling Slow Down is built in to try and synchronise everything before release (or something to that tune)

The batting issues , are unfortunately , a universal problem , and as such speed variation is the biggest wicket taker in this game because of the lack of an pointer or proper time to adjust to them.

Here`s hoping that it will be slightly tweaked come patch 3 , to make it a more even contest .
1) While I can bat reasonably well in career mode , I feel I need to premeditate while playing online and press the buttons much earlier than in offline/career mode.... if I wait for the ball to be released and follow its trajectory its already too late.
Combination of the above more or less ruins the online game for me.

This precisely describes the problem I have, only I have it in offline mode... If it were only online, there wouldn't be a problem (as I don't play online), but having these same issues offline (and only during matches, not in the nets - and sometimes only after having played a couple of overs normally) makes it very hard to enjoy the game to its fullest.
Newcomer to the forum, starting with a real nit just to try and get the hang of how things work here:

Mode: Career
Match Type: First Class (English County Cup)
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 31 into third innings of the game, Sussex's second following on
Ground: Sussex Oval
Teams: Surrey vs. Sussex
Get Best: No (game exactly as installed)
Description of Issue: My career player bowled the last ball before the tea interval, which was completed normally, but when played resumed after tea, with my player fielding at short fine leg, the on screen display of the overs showed 30.5 instead of 31.0. Once the first ball of the next over was bowled the display correctly reverted to 31.1
Description of Issue: My career player bowled the last ball before the tea interval, which was completed normally, but when played resumed after tea, with my player fielding at short fine leg, the on screen display of the overs showed 30.5 instead of 31.0. Once the first ball of the next over was bowled the display correctly reverted to 31.1

Problem solved:D. It happens at the end of every session.If you want to see the scores before bowling,just switch the ends. If you are batting you have to face 1 ball.
Agreed that's been an 'issue' for a while now. Whilst it can be a bit weird to see it's quite minor, and I doubt it's a priority fix. It's rectified the very next ball so it doesnt impact gameplay in the slightest.
Sorry all if the solution has already been posted, but I went through over 20 pages and couldn't find a solution to my problem. Tried to do what @legedmaster did but that did not solve the problem. I'm not sure what he meant by setting his graphics card the default. However, after uninstalling, reinstalling, and rebooting it went a lot longer without crashing (about 30mins). Also performed the recommend steps on the Steam troubleshoot page without success.

Version: v1.11
Mode: Career
Match Type: All
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): All
Ground: All
Teams: All
Description of Issue: Constantly crashes while playing the match. Seems to happen more the longer I play. Just happened to me where I couldn't even finish an over before it happened. Can't find any common factor other then that it seems to only happen when in a match and playing (i.e. not when menu is open)

OS: Windows 8 (x64)
Processor: AMD A6-3650 APU
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6570
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For @HBK619 via @BigAntStudios

Steam ID: sj360

Game Platform: PC
Mode: Career


1. The bowler does not take the jump and goes through with the runup hence the ball being dead ball. (Happens 3-4 times in an instance at least every single over. As I type this, it has happened 6 times in a row now).

2. I got a wicket of a batsman when a fielder took a catch off my player's bowling but it shows c&b by my player. It happened with every single wicket I got via catch by a fielder.

Note: I have not got a wicket caught by WK so cannot really tell if the problem is on when WK takes catches too.

The keys work absolutely fine when my player is batting so I suppose there are no issues whatsoever with the controller. I only bought it yesterday.

This is my controller:

Here is a new one,can someone please answer from big ant please?
Steam id-jesususedak47
Game type all.
My stats are not being updated on the first class leaderboards when i win a test.:mad:mad
Not happy.
It has me stuck on 6 wins for the last week when i have won 3 in that time.
Losing any motivation to keep playing this game.
None of the stats in any format are updating for me.
In the last 2 weeks i have lost my old profile and now my stats are not updating,dissapointed.
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Steam id: uci333
Hello all, hope somebody can be of assistance with this odd problem which only started today:-
The game stops responding to any inputs(from controller and also pressing escape on the keyboard) about 4/5 minutes in, have to start Task manager to 'kill' the game.
Restart the game, works for about the same amount of time again before the same thing happens, no response.
Have restarted about 5 times now to no avail.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
Thank you
Steam id: uci333
Hello all, hope somebody can be of assistance with this odd problem which only started today:-
The game stops responding to any inputs(from controller and also pressing escape on the keyboard) about 4/5 minutes in, have to start Task manager to 'kill' the game.
Restart the game, works for about the same amount of time again before the same thing happens, no response.
Have restarted about 5 times now to no avail.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
Thank you

I have same thing happening in game since today. steam id:aayush2012
I have same thing happening in game since today. steam id:aayush2012

Add me to the list. No response from keyboard or controller. Also about 4 to 5 minutes in game. Happened three times in a row, and haven't encountered an issue like this before today.
This is exactly happens to me as well, i noticed this when i am on legend mode, pro mode works fine, @ ross where are you

On all modes, not only on pro...
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Sudden controller issue - up until now, everything has been fine but today my Xbox 360 controller randomly stops working in game and refuses to start again. When I alt-tab out to the desktop (which now crashes the game) I test the controller in Control Panel and it's absolutely fine! I loaded up the game and the same thing happened! Am playing Career Mode, Pro difficulty. Steam ID: HunterKiller76

Edit: Ah - I see two other guys above are having exactly this same issue. Glad it's not just me and confirms that it's not a busted controller ha ha!
Same problem here suddenly controller and keyboard stops working after 4-5 min,nothing i can do to fix it.What's going on?
Steam ID: Mr.Joker
Steam ID 765611980508
Version 1.11

Two problems just started today. Firstly the unresponsive controller as has been posted by others above. Never had this problem until today but happened twice now in a few minutes.
Secondly I can't access the online section of the academy. When I try to connect it tells me I need the latest version of the game to connect and should update my game. I am running version 1.11, is that not the latest version? If not then how do I update it? Thanks for any assistance.

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