That was done for PES6 as well - it was cool being able to play a fully English ML with no foreign teams being in the top division after the first season

The PES patching community has to be one of the best there is in gaming... They transformed from PES6 having very little atmosphere with a lot of dull colours into an authentic looking (loads of stadiums, good pitch textures, all kits/balls, scoreboards etc.) and sounding (crowd roars when you scored, team specific chants etc.) experience.
I won't be buying PES10 at ?30+ as it's no better than it's predecessors (especially PES5 and PES3), but may pick it up after Christmas when it's cheap.
I resent paying full price for games which are 90% the same as the previous version, hence why I havn't bought a PES since PES6 and havn't bought a Football Manager game since 07.
PES10 is a decent game, nearly as good as PES6 i'd say, but it's just what PES 08 should have been and even then it would have been a bit of a disappointing next-gen effort due to the lack of flowing animations and freedom of control.