Considering a console save game was being shared around as a 'real names' patch for console pirates, I strongly doubt totally shutting off the academy would have done anything to slow people down.
Considering a console save game was being shared around as a 'real names' patch for console pirates, I strongly doubt totally shutting off the academy would have done anything to slow people down.
I downloaded best teams on 27th June so may be it was early by then for that tweaking but whatever I feel unloaded and hope pirated copies do not get the perks instead bugs.
repeating again, couldn't wait for 10 more days.
Is it possible to see if you edged it with snicko or hotspot? If so can someone please tell me how.
2 things i don't understand:
1)why would you download a game hoping to see bugs?
2)if you wanted to play the game so urgently, and obviously have reasonable internet speed to download, why not buy it on steam day 1?
My guess is you intended to pirate, had too many bugs then bought the real one but now want to look, I dunno "clever"? by saying you didn't have the bugs?
Disappointing Balkeet.
my debit card didn't worked with steam, not even with paypal,
placed preorder on 24th on Flipkart, game releases on 26th, no update on preorder, bought pirated one on 27th, game shipped on 2nd and delivered on 5th July, deleted everything and did a clean install of legit copy. It's the game that I was waiting for so badly. sorry for it, I hope you understand.
A "Planet Cricket Recommended best" in the game, which is locked to people who have verified their games somehow could go a long way at this point. The big worry I have though is that it only takes one bad apple in the lot of us to spread things to the pirates.
my debit card didn't worked with steam, not even with paypal,
placed preorder on 24th on Flipkart, game releases on 26th, no update on preorder, bought pirated one on 27th, game shipped on 2nd and delivered on 5th July, deleted everything and did a clean install of legit copy. It's the game that I was waiting for so badly. sorry for it, I hope you understand.
Ahhh. But I think Ross was explaining that they only started playing with the pirates a little later on, so you'd have deleted it by then. So don't worry: sounds like they no longer have access like they might have when you had it illegally installed.
how to fix this plz help me??