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Can anyone answer this,i just noticed when i bowled with my fast bowler that a little red dot appeared in the bottom right hand corner of the bowling meter.
The ball i delivered then proceeded to swing all over the place.
Anyone know how to get this red dot and what it means?

A red dot normally means you've bowled a wide delivery. Is it on the horizontal bar?
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Is there any point whatsoever to having any slips at all, as i literally never see edges go to them, and also when bowling spin, bat pad men, short leg etc, again, has anyone ever seen a catch from a bat pad fielder?

Im coming to the conclusion that all slips and bat pad men may as well not be there?

Someone tell me they can actually come into play sometimes?

Mate, I have had catches at 1st, 2nd and 3rd slip whilst playing and also at gully.
Mate, I have had catches at 1st, 2nd and 3rd slip whilst playing and also at gully.

Were those catches off you or by you?

Because if they were taken by you while bowling then you would appear to be in a very very very small minority.

Especially first slip given the Keeper always seems to come across him
Were those catches off you or by you?

Because if they were taken by you while bowling then you would appear to be in a very very very small minority.

Especially first slip given the Keeper always seems to come across him

I get lower order batsman out from the slips myself, depends on what pitch and what type of ball I'm bowling at the batsman at the time. In swingers usually do the trick, but when a batsman has been in for a while it's doubtful to get him out in slips. Sort of like trying to get your bowler to catch too, I've had 3 only so far caught & bowled, usually my bowler drops 95-99% of catches. I have to say though, I don't always rely on my slips when bowling, I just adjust and bowl in swingers good length without RB button to slow them down a little or full length depending on the batsman, if they're good on the back foot, I bowl good length, front foot full length and that usually gets them out, as I said though it depends on the pitch...
My career batting all rounder seems to be facing difficulty level Veteran when batting (I can see that is now the default level in the practice nets) but while bowling it seems to be difficulty level Pro with bowling aids on (since I had read here on some other thread that Veteran bowling has no bowling aids).
Just to check that I am understanding this correctly, my batting is Veteran level but bowling is still Pro level?
My career batting all rounder seems to be facing difficulty level Veteran when batting (I can see that is now the default level in the practice nets) but while bowling it seems to be difficulty level Pro with bowling aids on (since I had read here on some other thread that Veteran bowling has no bowling aids).
Just to check that I am understanding this correctly, my batting is Veteran level but bowling is still Pro level?

Post patch 2, the bowling aids are available at all levels. You're almost certainly bowling at veteran, too.

A split bowling/batting difficulty is on my wish list, because it's not in the game.
hi.. am playing as a batting all-rounder.. started as amateur. Just got upgraded to pro.. the problem is, i was given bowling in all matches during amateur.. but now am never given bowling. why is this so? please help me...
hi.. am playing as a batting all-rounder.. started as amateur. Just got upgraded to pro.. the problem is, i was given bowling in all matches during amateur.. but now am never given bowling. why is this so? please help me...

Are you playing on PC or console?
Question. I have created this custom field and not able to use in T10 Games ? Any explanation why is that happening ?


6 Fielders on the Legside. Thats why its not being accepted.
BARS Issue

While Playing the game in tour mode, the Decision Review has pretty much always resulted in being in favor of the AI.

Noticed this in both Edges & LBW Decisions
1. LBW Decisions
For Balls that don't pitch "in line" but still go onto hit the stumps the umpire's decision after the review is a Not Out.

2. Edges
At one instance, after I asked for a review the Hotspot did show an edge at the bottom of the bottom right corner of the bat but the the umpire went on to give it a not out.

At another instance, the ball was quite far from the bat but as it passed the batsman the hotspot went on to show a giant white mark by itself even though the ball was far-far away from it. Unsprisingly the umpire's decision was "out"

3. AI always seems to get its Reviews Right
I haven't witnessed a single review from the AI that went on to be unsuccessful

Also, though completely unrelated to the BARS issue, why aren't the users allowed to select the cloud cover? It'd be great if the match conditions like Heavy Cloud Cover, with slight Chances of Rain could also be selected, instead of just clear / random.

P.S. How does one start a new thread here? I just see a "post a question" button in the DBC 14 Forum.
Ok i did ask this question several times but unfortunately was misunderstood everytime. Here is the screenshot. And this is the player i created in DBC Academy. This point is 0. How to increase points here ?



While Playing the game in tour mode, the Decision Review has pretty much always resulted in being in favor of the AI.

Noticed this in both Edges & LBW Decisions
1. LBW Decisions
For Balls that don't pitch "in line" but still go onto hit the stumps the umpire's decision after the review is a Not Out.

Its a rule in Cricket if the ball is pitched outside leg stump and still goes on to hit the stumps are NOT OUT

2. Edges
At one instance, after I asked for a review the Hotspot did show an edge at the bottom of the bottom right corner of the bat but the the umpire went on to give it a not out.

At another instance, the ball was quite far from the bat but as it passed the batsman the hotspot went on to show a giant white mark by itself even though the ball was far-far away from it. Unsprisingly the umpire's decision was "out"

Someone else can answer that.

3. AI always seems to get its Reviews Right
I haven't witnessed a single review from the AI that went on to be unsuccessful

This is not the case with me. So many times AI reviewed and turned out against AI.
Ok i did ask this question several times but unfortunately was misunderstood everytime. Here is the screenshot. And this is the player i created in DBC Academy. This point is 0. How to increase points here ?
You can't, you need to reduce other attributes to increase the others.

And really - do you need to max out everything? Perhaps a team full of players like that to play online?

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