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I could be wrong, but im pretty sure Ross said you could select how many overs you want in the day. The AI will then bat at a rate that is realistic to the overs.

Make it a 60 over day, so 20 a session and score 300 with AI going at 5's supposed to 300 after 90 at 3. Something!

Someone correct me if wrong!!

In a nut shell you determine the time length knowing it will affect the AI mentality to a degree.

Ross is this correct or utter rubbish!!?

An interesting proposition. So you can play a mini test match essentially. I don't mind the option, as long as there is a 100% accurate one available.

In the AFL game and indeed all similar sports games, there is no such scaling. Play for 5 minute quarters and you get realistic scores. Play for 20 minute quarters and you'll score in the 100s. I don't even think FIFA allows you to play for full 90 minute matches, and if you did you'd definitely score over half a dozen.

I'll be interested to see if the people on this forum, who are largely hardcore fans, would be interested in this scaling technique (if it indeed exists).

Personally, I'd rather play a realistic 50 over match than a test match with reduced overs and artificially increased aggression.

Maybe you should consider a 4 day option? Obviously it's not hard to program in 4 days instead of 5 but the tactics could be tricky. 4 day cricket is heavily based on first innings points, so that would add an element that doesn't exist in test cricket. I'd definitely be interested in playing that though.
Ross confirmed it ages ago - unless some last minute change it's in
Unless I'm missing something, why would you want to sim anyway?
I enjoy batting AND bowling. Can't see the attraction in skipping big chunks of the match.
Unless I'm missing something, why would you want to sim anyway?
I enjoy batting AND bowling. Can't see the attraction in skipping big chunks of the match.

Dont think he means Sim as in skip parts of play mate,

Think he means play a full test match but a shorted version like you would in fifa with 5 min halves!
i have seen something bad

Hi ive just seen news of big ant studios going into liquidation it was dated around december time and quoted the cricket title they were working on i hope this is rubbish it says ross filed for liquidation due to large cash flow issues .
Ross i hope u have it all sorted or this is just a bad rumour but i have not looked forward to a game this much for years if anyone knows anything please post cheers:thumbs
Just seen an earlier post from u guys talking about this im glad all seems to be well it could explain why they are taking there time though:rolleyes
An interesting proposition. So you can play a mini test match essentially. I don't mind the option, as long as there is a 100% accurate one available.

In the AFL game and indeed all similar sports games, there is no such scaling. Play for 5 minute quarters and you get realistic scores. Play for 20 minute quarters and you'll score in the 100s. I don't even think FIFA allows you to play for full 90 minute matches, and if you did you'd definitely score over half a dozen.

I'll be interested to see if the people on this forum, who are largely hardcore fans, would be interested in this scaling technique (if it indeed exists).

Personally, I'd rather play a realistic 50 over match than a test match with reduced overs and artificially increased aggression.

Maybe you should consider a 4 day option? Obviously it's not hard to program in 4 days instead of 5 but the tactics could be tricky. 4 day cricket is heavily based on first innings points, so that would add an element that doesn't exist in test cricket. I'd definitely be interested in playing that though.

tbh I don't mind playing a compressed version of test cricket, as long as the run rate are realistically implemented. I think we have to understand that cricket is miles different to soccer or rugby therefore compression of the game would have created new set of challenges.

what would be great is AI play according to the overs which have been chosen, If the day is made up of 60 overs than they play according to that, and if the day is made up of 90 then we see realistic scores, and also human find it hard to score runs and we see realistic scores.
tbh I don't mind playing a compressed version of test cricket, as long as the run rate are realistically implemented. I think we have to understand that cricket is miles different to soccer or rugby therefore compression of the game would have created new set of challenges.

what would be great is AI play according to the overs which have been chosen, If the day is made up of 60 overs than they play according to that, and if the day is made up of 90 then we see realistic scores, and also human find it hard to score runs and we see realistic scores.

If i were to play a test match and each day consisted of 60 overs, for me that just wouldn't feel right.
No other sports throws up the sort of challenges you face in cricket. Just to sum up a couple...

1. Cricket is one of the very few sports, if not the only one, which has 3 distinct formats (Tests, odis, T20) and all of them are so different in terms of strategy and execution, it's akin to 3 different sports. IMO T20 is as different from Test cricket as baseball is from T20. Ideally you would need three different AIs for each format if the AI has to be as competitive we want it to be. No other sport faces such a challenge as the game developers need to satisfy T20 fans along with Test aficionados.

2. Cricket is the only sport which can take up to 5 days to complete a game. Most other sports take maybe a few hrs to complete a game - NFL around 3 hrs real-time with 60 mins game time, baseball around 3-3.5 hrs and footie a modest 90 mins. If compressing those games has been a challenge for game developers, spare a thought for the developer who's working on a cricket game.


If i were to play a test match and each day consisted of 60 overs, for me that just wouldn't feel right.

If I'm not mistaken, Ross did mention that it's up to the user to decide what sort of in-game compression he/she wants. So if you want to have 60 overs in a day you can do that but if you are keen to play 90 overs in a day you should be able to do so as well.

Ross, if you can confirm my understanding.
cricket_online;2487122 If I'm not mistaken said:
If I was to play a career mode I would love to have a compressed versions of test cricket. To me I think its a perfect scenario only if it is implemented correctly.

As long as we have an option to play 90 overs then I really don't mind having a compressed versions too.
If I was to play a career mode I would love to have a compressed versions of test cricket. To me I think its a perfect scenario only if it is implemented correctly.

As long as we have an option to play 90 overs then I really don't mind having a compressed versions too.

Personally I don't see myself playing a Test with 90 overs a day - will take up way too much time. Most probably I would go with 15-20 overs a session which means 45-60 overs a day. As long as compression is implemented well, including scoring rates, AI decision making to cater to compressed time-frame, pitch wear & tear and the new ball available in say 50 overs instead of 80 I will be fine.
Now that is a very cool idea! However as we might not always be on the internet when playing, perhaps if we'd recorded the weather for the cricket season in the particular location and then randomly picked a day or number of days for tests... hmmm... maybe in V2 or a patch.

Cool thing i saw in fifa 13, while playing on the night of halloween , the commentator actually mentioned the match is being taking place on halloween night. I found it to be pretty cool. Incorporating things like that, no matter how insignificant it looks, adds to the experience. Be it boxing day, christmas, easter, valnetines, new year, thanksgiving (US only) etc.

And you guys shuld partner up with for publicity given it's not expensive. Or just getting an ad on there at the top or side banners would do wonders. Or getting an article published there about the game would be great too to raise awareness.
Cool thing i saw in fifa 13, while playing on the night of halloween , the commentator actually mentioned the match is being taking place on halloween night. I found it to be pretty cool. Incorporating things like that, no matter how insignificant it looks, adds to the experience. Be it boxing day, christmas, easter, valnetines, new year, thanksgiving (US only) etc.

And you guys shuld partner up with for publicity given it's not expensive. Or just getting an ad on there at the top or side banners would do wonders. Or getting an article published there about the game would be great too to raise awareness.

That's nice. Hope they have a sort of calendar in the career mode so it does feel realistic. It would make sense too as the future fixtures in the career mode should have a date besides them. Same applies to tours. And if the time of the year affects the pitch condition or the setting time of the sun in Tests (because its the dynamic system) it would be just cherry on the cake.

Ross, you've told us about the tournament editor, but do we have tours too? Custom tours as in 5 Tests, 2 T20Is, 5 ODIs and so on?

And also Ross, do the Tests start & end at the same very time everywhere around the world or do they always have exact 90 overs a day? How about putting in slow over rate penalty for limited over formats in the career mode?

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