Post your questions about the game here!

I dont see the point of skill moves...i barely use it against anyone and end up winning anyway. I have seen people trying to use it against me but doesnt tend to work for them. But yes playing the game in a controller is much easier and makes u much more skilled at it. But when it comes to FPS NOTHING beats a keyboard and mouse combo. I even use a keyboard and mouse combo on ps3 to play any fps games out there.

Of course I also play FPS games on Keyboard and Mouse. But whats the point of Implementing 360 degree way movement if you play it on keyboard? You just can't outmaneuver well enough on keyboard.
Ross, Can you tell the current status of the game? i.e waht work is going on now..
The bigger the feature list, More bugs we will encounter. I hope there are no glaring bugs in the game, and have been tested thoroughly. :)
Considering how well they have patched the Cricket Academy, there's no doubt they'd do the same with the main game.
Yup. After the dedication they have shown on a free beta product, i have no doubt they will do the same for the actual game. Although the process will be slower due to platform approvals.
Correct me if i'm wrong.I think fixing bugs in cricket is trickier compared to other games.There are various different scenarios and not to forget an intense career mode.So,definitely there will be bugs in the game unless they have already been taken care of.
Hi guys I'm new here and really looking forward to the game. I'm really sorry if these questions have been asked already, it's just I wouldn't know where to start looking in the 200 + pages to find them ha!

If anyone knows anything about the following, I'd be really grateful if you'd reply.

1) I know it was probably a unique fault to Ashes 2009 [codemasters] though when you advanced down the wicket, your player would often not return automatically. The automatic return was slower [EA sports cricket 2007] as it should be, but without one it had a really annoying feature of you forgetting sometimes and players throwing and hitting the stumps.
2) Sorry, perhaps this is more a critique of Ashes 2009 but this game doesn't have phenomenal fielding. I.e, hypothetically speaking a poor run choice does not lead to the wicky hitting the wicket from throwing the ball in his backdrop position [against pace we're talking a fair way away] 10/10? Furthermore, it wasn't just the wicky, fielders seemed to have a proposterous ability to throw and hit the stumps nigh on every time. Will this be similar in the Big Ant games?
3) I remember bowling a good line and length over none stop on Ashes 2009 and getting hit for in excess of 10 and over. Will there be a more appropriated run rate to game formats?
4) Again, another critique of Ashes 09 but curious it may feature here. Please don't have an AI which bowls a silly amount of extras. I was playing Ashes 2009 the other day in all 3 formats and generally speaking I averaged 1 extra per over, an absurd rate by anyones measure.
5) This was really the main point, sorry for all the diffused criticisms of your rivals! In EA sports cricket 2007 they had a sublime feature which allowed you to control the power of your shot with the right analog stick, as in the further you pushed it towards it's limits the harder it would go. The net result being you could place the ball and didn't need to play the single/boundary all the time but would be able to craft a master innings. Do you have anything like that on this game, as I read somewhere that you are doing the 2 analog stick shot selection which is great!
6) Finally, what is the situation with shots, It tends to be that you can never do a kneeling drive, advanced shot over mid-on, non advanced shot over mid-on etc. Are there capabilities for doing so on this game?

Sorry for wasting your time if these area already answered, please just skip on ahead. Nonetheless, wish you the best with the release and I can't wait!
Hi guys I'm new here and really looking forward to the game. I'm really sorry if these questions have been asked already, it's just I wouldn't know where to start looking in the 200 + pages to find them ha!

If anyone knows anything about the following, I'd be really grateful if you'd reply.

Sorry for wasting your time if these area already answered, please just skip on ahead. Nonetheless, wish you the best with the release and I can't wait!

1) Not sure. But going back to the crease might not be automatic since Big Ant seems to be pushing to get people really involved with every thing in the game.
2) i would expect them to take care of this. Even the best of fielders cant knock down the stumps 40%-80% of the time depending on their position
3) again this is something everyone would expect them to take care of...but we wouldnt really know for sure until the game releases.
4) same as no 3 and i believe they wont let things like this happen.
5) yes you will have manual power controls. One analog stick for foot movement, one for direction and the trigger buttons will be used to control power. Believe thats what ross said.
6) same as no 3 and 4.
Reassigning Controllers

Would it be possible to Switch Controllers at the end of the innings when playing Local Multiplayer with your buddies?

Based on the description of Batting Controls, I suppose that the XBox 360 Controller will be the best choice on PC for batting but they are pretty expensive and I can only afford one.

EA Cricket 07 had the option to reassign controllers. My question is once I am done batting and its my mate's turn to bat, will I be able to assign the XBox 360 Controller to him and have another generic controller assigned to my team for Bowling?

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