Post your questions about the game here!

Hey Ross. Maybe a suggestion for the next game rather than this one sice you seem to have finished making the game.

Batsmen and bowlers have different actions and different styles of play. So say Gayle's charge against spin could be animated a lot differently to say Clarke's skipping down the crease. I think it'd add an extra layer of realism that cricket lovers would enjoy and it would keep the repetitiveness of action out.

Obviously you guys don't have the licence right now, and that's not a bad thing considering the in-depth player editor, but is it possible to get Australian and English licences for the next game, considering the backlash of Ashes 13?

Thanks so much for your openness and honesty. I'll look forward to getting this game but will reserve my judgement until actually playing a couple of games.
Decided to stop lurking and post after a long time away from the PC forums. :)

I must say that BA cricket looks really great and its refreshing to see the passion and interaction of the developers here on the forum. Im really looking forward to its release and curious to see what the gameplay and ball physics will be like.

Anyway just a few questions at the moment:-

1) stats - what level of stats are included in game? For instance will it record tournament/ series stats for each player with strike rates/agg runs etc? Which would aid team selection

2) player profiles - if you click on a player name will it directly take you to link of their stats/ attributes (I take it licensing laws etc would prevent direct links to cricinfo player page etc but would the game include similar profile page for each player?)

3) Game physics - In terms of the ball physics will it bobble and bounce across the outfield - I've hated in previous games how the ball just sticks to the outfield like a magnet and will players move freely in 360 direction and not act as if they are on rails?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)

Hi Ricco M, nice to meet you.

1) iirc, this is a key feature of the game. Auto-updating stats according to performances in game, averages in all three formats, strike rates, you name it! Not so sure about the series stats but then again, this game seems to have cricket gamers desires coming out of the woodwork so I wouldn't rule it out.

2) Correct me if I'm wrong, but this has been quite common in cricket games and I'm sure they'll have it here. EA 07' and BLC 05 particularly spring to mind in this area

3) There is some pretty God darn amazing stuff BA and the crew have done with game physics. Whether it be the determining of where the bails of the stumps go or the unbelievable detail in pitch development throughout a match or even the ability to change the swing of the ball due to manual shining. With all these little nuggets of gold, I am certain ball bounce will have been one of the first issues dealt with. Just an fyi, I'm really not paying the features homage here, read up in this thread or click on Ross or Mikey's profiles and look at recent posts to get a better idea. It won't disappoint!

Hope I could help
Will the batsman be able to move around the crease till the ball reaches him or whether it will get set in the place at the start of the delivery??
Will the bowler be able to set the point of landing till the end or we have to set that too at the start of a delivery??:)
you guys decided on the feature list of the next cricket academy? excited for the next one. will it be a big update?


Will the batsman be able to move around the crease till the ball reaches him or whether it will get set in the place at the start of the delivery??
Will the bowler be able to set the point of landing till the end or we have to set that too at the start of a delivery??:)

these r questions you should already know the answer of as these have been discussed extensively. read the "what we know avout big ant cricket" thread
Don't know whether this question asked or not when i was explaining features to my friend,He raised this doubt and i dnt know the answer for it so im asking here.can some one give quick reply to this...

Can we have the control to use BARS in carrier mode??even if i'm not the batsman or bowler or captain in that moment?or AI will decide??(Also if i'm new to that team take that also in consideration)
ross as it seems BAC 14 won't be released in couple of months,why dnt u include the team career mode as well
We try to play everything we can.

It's a tough business and I sincerely hope they do well with their games, they certainly wouldn't be able to do it without being very driven and passionate about their craft, I've a lot of respect for those developers and what they have been able to achieve.

Thanks for the reply. I know that Oli Norwell (Cricket Coach) at least is very dedicated to his work.
They don't think it's good enough for the game. I'm pleased they have high standards

everybody is pleased they have high standards,all i wanted to say is this game is the complete game till date,and only thing that does not feature in this game is team career mode,i bet there are many people who wanted a team career mode just like fifa franchise,this feature would make this game complete :)
The game is already more than complete. It has depth to everything.
everybody is pleased they have high standards,all i wanted to say is this game is the complete game till date,and only thing that does not feature in this game is team career mode,i bet there are many people who wanted a team career mode just like fifa franchise,this feature would make this game complete :)

"Be a Pro" type of career mode is better in a game like cricket IMO, and that's what most folks feel as well based on the poll we had in a thread.

Waiting for your turn to bat to guide the team in a chase and that there won't be a second chance if you get out is something I am really looking forward to. Now you will feel ecstatic in coming in and helping your team win or feel like throwing your controller against the wall when you throw it away with victory in sight and then watch your team collapse :yes

In a team career mode you wouldn't feel the same level of excitement as you know even if you get out a couple of times you can still win easily with other batsmen. Plus, it would be a unique experience to be in the middle and occasionally looking at the match from a non-striker end, trying desperately to get on strike :thumbs
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