Post your questions about the game here!

Well my question to BA is that what is the maximum no of teams we can add if there is an option to do so, can we create a tournament like clt20 with qualifiers and group stages using the Tournament creater?
It was mentioned there will be slower or faster outfield. Is that something that is stadium specific and not editable? As in can we change these characteristics of the stadiums?
you mentioned that the sound is very important to you in this game!! Was just there sound for weather effects as well?? I remember watching some matches in England (on tv ofcourse) and you can easily hear the strong winds blowing on the mic. Also you can hear the thunder during storms!! I know its not that important, but all these do contribute in the feeling of 'being there'.
will our player in career mode develop by itself like in fifa where his overall abbilities increases by itself or is it like ashes cricket where we get points and assign them to bowling or batting or fielding abbilities?
and the scorecard will it be at the bottom like the champions trophy one or like the ashes cricket 2009 won on the top??
Another question;

Will there be a highlights function for batting and bowling and will it have all the sounds that you'd hear when it happened live so to speak including commentary. that'd be really sweet!
Hopefully when playing a test against the AI, the slips will remain in place for the first 10 or so overs or according to the game.

Its so un-realistic when they get moved out after 2 or 3 deliveries.


I think there should be an option of different scoreboards. The live scoreboards I mean e.g. in Australia there is a different live scoreboard to the English one.

& the batsman's scores should be at the bottom throughout the whole game.
Ross or Mike, is the game will be playable as soon its out of the box or we have to set up or import our squads from CA, or it will be already set up with players correct faces, names and skills etc? Then later on we can replace or switch back or edit the players we like to put.
It will be playable out of the box with unlicensed national sides.

There will be a simple process to replace those national sides with sides/players from the Cricket Academy.

The sides that ship with the game will not be deleted, they can always be swapped back in.
Sounds good, so there will be licensed national sides too? Hopefully u guys are going to announced the licensing soon :)
any updates on the commentary team that will be a part of the game? ok i know you cant name them but are they finalised?
Ross said unlicensed teams not licensed

I was talking about the rest licensed national teams not unlisensed ! They will announced licensing stuffs soon

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