Post your questions about the game here!

Very good idea indeed. Such a system is in place in Fifa too, where we have variations in referee's nature. He can be strict, medium, etc. :thumbs is there in Fifa since a long time now!!! It does add personality to the ref :D! BigAnt have already added personality to the umpire by making him react to the number of appeals you make or if you dont walk when out, so Meet's idea would gel pretty well with this!
Well, technically the game has been in development since 5 years. Though it is only recently that they had a dedicated team working on it.

5 years :eek: too long
there will be a lot of expectations from Big Ant team to make it a massive hit..
ross/mike can we just change the colour of logos of the kits(bats,pads,gloves,etc..) if unlicensed;)
In Cricket Heroes too, you've got different natured umpires, and umpire skill editing options...

Any "Create an Umpire" option under consideration, Ross? We can have skills set for them too, and ,maybe the system can select the best umpires for tournaments like World Cups, or International matches?
it would seem not! :)

sorry, wrick3000, they do not have "personalities" or stats that carry between matches. Players do, and the umpires "will know you" from your previous behaviour.
What I dont get is when people ask a question and are given an answer they then demand some kind of proof that the answer they have been given is true.

What is up with people? Either look for the answer yourself then or have a bit of trust of people who are willing to share information that is very easy to find yourself anyway.

Why bother asking the question if you are not willing to accept the answer? Now if this was the Ashes 13 facebook page, okay. But it aint.

We have lots of well informed decent folk who take the time out to answer questions that have been asked a million times before....appreciation is not a crime.
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What I dont get is when people ask a question and are given an answer they then demand some kind of proof that the answer they have been given is true. What is up with people? Either look for the answer yourself then or have a bit of trust of people who are willing to share information that is very easy to find yourself anyway. Why bother asking the question if you are not willing to accept the answer?Now if this was the Ashes 13 facebook page, okay. But it aint. We have lots of well imformed decent folk who take the time out to answer questions that have been asked a million times before....appreciation is not a crime.

As it is if someone gives a wrong answer, there are others who will point it out anyways.
and the umpires "will know you" from your previous behaviour.

That's absolutely brilliant! :D

Ross I must say that the level of detail in your game is out of this world. You must have one hell of a team at your studio.
Will the commentary go with player milestones? So, let's say, my player gets his first '5 for' or first ton, will it be announced in a way?

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