Post your questions about the game here!

That would be for a special edition yet to be announced ;)

It is so special that Mike Merren keeps hounding me for one even if he has to pay for it himself!!!

PS: I might make him pay for it too!


Just hold on while we work through things, there might be US and Canadian distribution.

Wow. Sounds interesting. May be an Aluminium case with a Bradman signature embossed in it and a free copy of The Art Of Cricket. It'd be worth it then! :p
What what what ?? How ? Where ?

Haha ross has been mentioning it recently that there is an unusual amount of interest from the usa/canada market and hence there is a good chance of getting local retailers in this region, which also means a region free xbox version for us/canada. But he will confirm it once they reach a deal i guess.

Edit:check the post above from sahil...i m gonna get the special edition :o
Haha ross has been mentioning it recently that there is an unusual amount of interest from the usa/canada market and hence there is a good chance of getting local retailers in this region, which also means a region free xbox version for us/canada. But he will confirm it once they reach a deal i guess.

Edit:check the post above from sahil...i m gonna get the special edition :o

Oh sweeet :D

Yes ROSS - there is a lot of interest from Canada (probably more than US, because Canada is a better team :spy )
Yeh it would be pretty awesome if I can get the game in Canada. Hopefully they can work something out.
Yeh it would be pretty awesome if I can get the game in Canada. Hopefully they can work something out.

I know this isn't ideal or feasible for everyone but this is the kind of game I'd buy a new console for, e.g. in your case I'd import an Australian xbox and version of the game (or PS3). These days you can buy the 360 for barely more than the price of a game.
Hey any chance the game will be released in china?

Don't ask why :p
But seriously I need to know
Look this is not a thread to discuss the price of games or game controllers in India.....take it elsewhere.....
Honestly, you'd think the discussion of "how much things cost in India" deserves its own forum sometimes... there's even a thread for discussion on controllers for chrissake.
Look this is not a thread to discuss the price of games or game controllers in India.....take it elsewhere.....

Well my first question was whether that controller will work na?
Since you are staff member, I just want to confirm whether that controller will work?
In the wrong thread, genius.
Look this is not a thread to discuss the price of games or game controllers in India.....take it elsewhere.....

Oh Dutch! :p
4 posts into price discussion and you are it again. Not sure how many cake posts are in there. :p

Fine...on topic: Ross, when would be posting the list of commentary names? Any specific date we should be looking forward to?

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