Post your questions about the game here!

Even being able to watch highlights would be nice i think

Yeah, that sounds far more reasonable and enjoyable. As nice as it would be to see how your number 11 performed in a match, I imagine that would get reasonably old reasonably fast... Whereas a little highlights "here's what happened" kinda thing still gets you that connection to your player and the team, without having to go ball by ball or on super-speed.
I like that idea but it might look a bit funny going that quick.
Even being able to watch highlights would be nice i think

Highlights would be superb, but I can't see a game amassing a highlights reel of boundaries/good balls/milestones and wickets in production, nor can I see it being a number one priority.

Probably would look rather funny, but I think one could overlook that for the sheer enjoyment of being able to follow the game at a speed suitable for your timings.
Yeah, that sounds far more reasonable and enjoyable. As nice as it would be to see how your number 11 performed in a match, I imagine that would get reasonably old reasonably fast... Whereas a little highlights "here's what happened" kinda thing still gets you that connection to your player and the team, without having to go ball by ball or on super-speed.

Exactly...would have said 'this guy gets it' but didn't want to see your lawyers :p
Yeah, not sure if it's in the Be A Legend/Pro mode, but I believe Ross has mentioned a highlights feature in the core game.
In the Career mode, are the levels you have to go through filled with made up teams?
I assume whatever the teams are that ship with the game, that will be customizable.
Couldnt agree more with you!

I love the idea about simming or watching most or all of the game.
In my head i can already see myself batting at 5 and watching how the pitch and weather and also how my team plays on the day, 4 for 50 and you come into bat would feel so much different to say 4 for 250.

I want this game so bad.:eek:
PS Watching from any camera angle is also a thumps up.:thumbs


In the Career mode, are the levels you have to go through filled with made up teams?

You can put any team from CA into the career mate, real state and international teams are waiting for everyone.:clap
Hey Ross, Great news that we can spectate till our turn for batting or after getting out....
Just this last clarification......

Say if we are to bat at no. 6 or below in a match.Can we sim to wicket 3 or 4, I mean a wicket close enough till our turn to bat....

This feature will be extremely helpful for those who want to spectate in longer formats...:thumbs
Hey Ross, Great news that we can spectate till our turn for batting or after getting out....
Just this last clarification......

Say if we are to bat at no. 6 or below in a match.Can we sim to wicket 3 or 4, I mean a wicket close enough till our turn to bat....

This feature will be extremely helpful for those who want to spectate in longer formats...:thumbs

I believe there is an option to simulate to an "event", wicket, 50, 100, etc.. It was in the original design, I need MikeM to clarify that this made it into the game.
I know the game has no specific release date as of yet, but I'm assuming Ross would want to get the game out before Mike gets his game out in November because it would be beneficial to the sales of the DB cricket 14 game as people are getting impatient after the setback of the Ashes Cricket game. Also, the quality of the DB cricket game will help the sales immensely. Ross you probably are thinking of the benefits or have thought of the benefits of getting the game out before Ashes Cricket comes out. This game will most likely release before AC13, right Ross?
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A new release date question, where is Biggs when you need him.:D


I believe there is an option to simulate to an "event", wicket, 50, 100, etc.. It was in the original design, I need MikeM to clarify that this made it into the game.

Ross just a little question for the career mode, what year will it start from.
Is there a year or not, if not maybe for version 2 you could have a era where you would like to play. Say bradman as it's his game so start 30s and finish 50s. Thanks.
I'm not sure if this has been answered, so apologies if it has. I have read that catching is manual. Does this apply to the wicketkeeper when a ball is left/missed? Or is it automatic?

If it is automatic when the ball is left/missed, but manual when it comes to catching then surely we'd know when the AI/opponent batsman has edged it, meaning if the umpire gave it not out we'd know to review because we'd know it was edged? If that makes sense?

Any brief description of how the catching system for the wicketkeeper works would be great! Thanks!

Edit: if the WK catching is automatic at all times, will they make errors from time to time?
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I believe there is an option to simulate to an "event", wicket, 50, 100, etc.. It was in the original design, I need MikeM to clarify that this made it into the game.

Thanks Ross....:cheers
But considering there is simulate to an event in career modethen what if like:

We have yet to bat and we want to simulate till our team has made score of 100....does that mean our chance to bat will not come till the team has scored 100 runs or we could be prompted to bat if our side loses wickets and it's our turn to bat before our team has reached score of 100...

This above is my only confusion as after we've lost our wicket, the simulation seems plain and simple...:thumbs

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