Post your questions about the game here!

How does the appeal button work? Do we press it once for an appeal, or keep it pressed for a louder appeal. The second option would allow us to make half appeals as well where initially we think its out but within a second realize its close but not out. That ways, for half appeals, the umpire would not hold is against us and also we can let the opponent know it was close ;)!

I think the appeal is dependant on how long the button is pressed but I will need to check to make sure, haven't tried letting it go quickly or tapping it.
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On higher difficulty levels (when you can select the foot movement), do the feet start to move whenever you move the LAS (e.g before the delivery is bowled) or does it happen only when you move RAS to play the shot. i.e. for e.g. can I move LAS to move the front foot a little forward before the delivery is bowled and then adjust it to the line of the delivery?
As far as I could tell you could move at any time. basically the foot movement and the shot animation are (kind of) independent of each other, right??

My main worry was whether the implementation was in such a way that we would move the LAS in a direction we wanna move our feet however the feet would move in that direction only after we moved the RAS to play the shot. I understand from your reply that this wasnt the case on higher difficulty levels :)!

Thanks for your reply :cheers
I am sorry if this is asked before but its a lot of pages to go through :p Will this game be able to run on Mac?
I don't believe this has been brought up yet - What are the odds of a fielder (AI) dropping a catch? How often does it happen?

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