Post your questions about the game here!

Not sure what's more optimistic, listing 4 platforms for release or 'Nov' - don't see either happening. I also like how covered up Clarke is by the (still 2013) logo for the game, while Bradman sits pride of place. Certainly right about who wins in the shelf test.

At this point, the only date worth wondering about is how many days before the end of November they announce missing November. They've been fairly consistent with the 2 days thing so far, though I wonder if they'd bother bringing attention to themselves again just for a delay.

Does Bradman being in the catalogue mean I won't get puzzled looks if I go into my local EB to preorder?

My local EB weren't puzzled when I pre-ordered :)


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Wouldn't it be ironic if Ross had 'blocked' you and that's the reason why it hasn't been answered :D

This message is hidden because blockerdave is on your blocked list. :p

lol - I have a blocked list of five total, two of those are banned so it doesn't matter, three are the same bloke, SuperCrapIPost and his aliases that he uses to agree and thank his own comments (sad little life) :)


My local EB weren't puzzled when I pre-ordered :)

I would be puzzled if they had the price as $69.95

Oh well, learn something every day, good for you guys! :)

Thanks for the preorder!


Which store, if you don't mind me asking?

EB have changed some dates and things on their database and not all of them have the Boxes on the shelves yet...
lol - I have a blocked list of five total, two of those are banned so it doesn't matter, three are the same bloke, SuperCrapIPost and his aliases that he uses to agree and thank his own comments (sad little life) :)


I would be puzzled if they had the price as $69.95

Oh well, learn something every day, good for you guys! :)

Thanks for the preorder!


Which store, if you don't mind me asking?

EB have changed some dates and things on their database and not all of them have the Boxes on the shelves yet...

That was only a pre-order deposit, ordered back in September. I'm expecting to pay the rest when I pick it up!
It was EB Southland :)
Its bloody cold here in the UK,
be nice to play a game of cricket
bit cold to be outside right now,
So get bradman to the wicket!!!!!!

Pretty dismal effort that, missing the drama and tension that typifies these video games!! All my teams look smart in their uniforms, all ready for the upcoming season, I'm sure the Aussies too will be looking smart in their bright canary yellow.........


I wrote me letter to Santa askin for DB14 for Xmas, is he gonna let me down again?
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A couple of slightly obtuse questions which we'll probably never actually need the answer for

  • Is there a hard limit on how many teams you can have?
  • Is there a hard limit on how many teams a player can be a part of?
A couple of slightly obtuse questions which we'll probably never actually need the answer for

  • Is there a hard limit on how many teams you can have?
  • Is there a hard limit on how many teams a player can be a part of?

There is a 5000 player limit per profile.

Players can be a part of as many teams as there are - every team can have a a Tindoolka :)
probably not isn't that a "graphics card" for ultrabooks? meaning your processor would be pretty weak as well. I'm not super tech smart so I'm not 100% sure

In all honesty, I don't think you can. Have you tried to run the academy?

Well that is what comes with Macbook Pro the 2012 edition. Runs absolutely fine for games like spec ops 2, bioshock infinity,etc gives me 60fps. Cricket Academy runs fine other then a microsecond of lag here and there.
EB have changed some dates and things on their database and not all of them have the Boxes on the shelves yet...
Saw the big wide promotional box at my local EB today. The day after there's a release date I'll pop in and preorder.
Me too, will preorder when there is a release date, when was that going public again Ross.:p

PS By 30th of November 79c, answered for you.:rolleyes
ROSS,some questions ;)
1)when will an india pre oreder come cause i need to :lol
2)is the game playable without CA or can i download players and teams without CA???
3)are you planning any surprices in the near future? :cheers :spy
I would've been playing with tindoolka XI had the game released already but I guess I'll have to wait
ROSS,some questions ;)
1)when will an india pre oreder come cause i need to :lol
2)is the game playable without CA or can i download players and teams without CA???
3)are you planning any surprices in the near future? :cheers :spy

1) This year :p (sorry...there is no other reply possible at the moment. Even from Ross)
2) Yes. CA is not a 'requirement' to play the game. Its a creation tool. You still would have default teams and tournaments in the game. You cannot download the players and teams without CA on the consoles (ps3 and xbox360) atleast.
3) Yes. He would reveal the release date, release a trailer and also release the game in the near future. :p
CA is part of DBC 14 though. Don't get that confused for him. It isn't a separate purchase or anything.
And to add to that - I downloaded players just fine from a tethered mobile phone connection on the PS3 I played on. The PlanetCricket team took 20 seconds to download.

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