Post your questions about the game here!

Hi Ross hope you are doing fine. I would like to ask that in the "premiere" we were not able to see different camera views, could please clarify how many camera views is in the game exists and what about any camera view similar to brodacast view ? Best wishes
Hi Ross hope you are doing fine. I would like to ask that in the "premiere" we were not able to see different camera views, could please clarify how many camera views is in the game exists and what about any camera view similar to brodacast view ? Best wishes

Check out this one stage it shows (at around 06:40) the various cams available when batting:

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From what I had earlier seen, we have 6 cameras that we can select:

1. Batting (Close)
2. Batting (Far) - which is what MattW used I presume
3. Bowling (Close)
4. Bowling (Far)
5. Pro Cam
6. Broadcast Cam
From what I had earlier seen, we have 6 cameras that we can select:

1. Batting (Close)
2. Batting (Far) - which is what MattW used I presume
3. Bowling (Close)
4. Bowling (Far)
5. Pro Cam
6. Broadcast Cam

Yeah. You can check out the various cam views in these pics:






Thanks alot angad, these are cool pictures and it has clarified lots things in my mind. Best wishes :)
Don't flame me for this, but I think the broadcast cam looks the best out of the lot.:p
^ Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I would reserve my comment on the angle until I have a good enough session with the game.
Peace be on you all, I have this question in my mind that many people who are following DBC 14 has made hundreds of players or more than thousand individually and long list of teams. I have made some 500 plus players and edited 400 something so my question is that in the future version of DBC are we going to use these players or we need to make a huge amount of players again because this is going to be hectic and really tiring. It took me nearly 3 months to create 1000 players and 45 plus teams. What you say Ross or any one in the community can clarify. Kind regards.
As MattW showed on the day of the Premiere, the current database was available to the PlayStation 3 that he was playing on.
Don Bradman Cricket 14 "the game Mike Fegan didn't want you to have" - he made claims to Cricket Australia that we were infringing their rights and asked that they take action against us. Nice guy, "never disparaged anyone" lmao.

maybe CA need to make an informed decision and revoke the license from ashes 2013 since the game is not even managing to pass the tests from xbox and consider repaying a company who is making a game that is actually top quality and is having actual good PR unlike them who have said nothing since august 10......
It is our intention to have the Cricket Academy database available to all future Cricket games.

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