Post your questions about the game here!

...would've gone for a Divynals track, myself.
...would've gone for a Divynals track, myself.

luckily i am already officially not cool, so i don't have to worry about going down in any one's estimation when i say i've never heard of them...

but googling them i now see i do know one of their songs. nice way to call me a w-----... kudos.

i see Jeremy Paul was once a band member. Great rugby player.
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There's always room to go lower in the BlockerDave Limbo... :p
The Melbourne day ends in an hour and 45 minutes, so you fellas better hurry.
I thought he had posted something explaining them? If not I will make sure it happens by the end of the Melbourne day on Monday when he's back on deck. Guaranteed*

*I know this will be quoted back if it doesn't happen, so it will!

Ok, I think the info people wanted was how the rank is worked out based on skill. So Here is the info straight from the programmers.

How we determine the players rank:

- rank 5 will have all batting skills >= 75%
- rank 4 will have 2 batting skills >= 75%, all >= 60%
- rank 3 will have 2 batting skills >= 60%, 4 >= 30%
- rank 2 will have 2 batting skills >= 40%, 4 >= 20%

- rank 5 will have all bowling skills >= 75%
- rank 4 will have 2 bowling skills >= 75%, all >= 60%
- rank 3 will have 2 bowling skills >= 60%, 4 >= 30%
- rank 2 will have 2 bowling skills >= 40%, 4 >= 20%

All Rounder:
- rank 5 will have 3 batting + bowling skills >= 70%
- rank 4 will have 1 batting + bowling skill >= 70%, and 3 batting +
bolwing skills >= 55%
- rank 3 will have 3 batting + bowling skills >= 50%
- rank 2 will have 2 batting + bowling skills >= 30%
Ok, I think the info people wanted was how the rank is worked out based on skill. So Here is the info straight from the programmers.

How we determine the players rank:

- rank 5 will have all batting skills >= 75%
- rank 4 will have 2 batting skills >= 75%, all >= 60%
- rank 3 will have 2 batting skills >= 60%, 4 >= 30%
- rank 2 will have 2 batting skills >= 40%, 4 >= 20%

- rank 5 will have all bowling skills >= 75%
- rank 4 will have 2 bowling skills >= 75%, all >= 60%
- rank 3 will have 2 bowling skills >= 60%, 4 >= 30%
- rank 2 will have 2 bowling skills >= 40%, 4 >= 20%

All Rounder:
- rank 5 will have 3 batting + bowling skills >= 70%
- rank 4 will have 1 batting + bowling skill >= 70%, and 3 batting +
bolwing skills >= 55%
- rank 3 will have 3 batting + bowling skills >= 50%
- rank 2 will have 2 batting + bowling skills >= 30%




one more thing if i use my custom player (one will max out abilities)
where will he improve?
i mean will there b any improvement points to a career of a player??
Hey Ross just join this GRoup ... Your game is awsome no dout about it I have 3 questions i hope you answer ....1. If we have any indecation where the bowl going to end if we are playing in hard mode ......... 2.... almost every one like to play cricket game in boardcast view .... is boardcast cam is there and is it perfect for batting like in other .. i saw a post where you say its just for replays not for gameplay .. i hope i am wrong :mad:noway :rolleyes 3.. is this game going to relase this year and when you annouced the release date ???:) You Guys are awsome :cheers:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:thumbs

There's always room to go lower in the BlockerDave Limbo... :p
Is the game going to realese in 2013 ?? we are just waiting when you annouced the relase date or done what ashes does delay :mad:facepalm
Wonder how many if-elseif-else, switch statements were needed to cover those skill conditions :p


1. Yes, you do have the comet trail.
2. Yes, you can play with the broadcast cam as well.
3. Yes, 2013 is still the number to beat.

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