Post your questions about the game here!

I like the criteria for the ranks I think maybe the 5 could be 80% even
What will happen when there's a tie game? Super Over ???
The amount of customisation in this game is brilliant. I was explaining it to a friend today and he said unreal tournament had a lot of customisation in it but for a sports game it's superb! We can basically have the game we want within the game itself
I have a question, more of an ongoing series thing than about the first game, though.

I just wonder whether they're considering incorporating any playing technique customisations in future games in the series?

For instance basic batting stance - how open your stance is, possibly how far apart your feet are, or other purely cosmetic little things. Possibly different backlift types - short with no wrist cock, long with a wrist cock. Bat raised or lowered as the bowler delivers. A choice of initial foot movement possibly? Front press, back and across or back and across with a front press, or no initial movement?

Bowling would be more difficult but I wonder if something like a choice of gather position - (by that I mean this bit of the action - - might work.

The reason I wonder is just that the lack of variation in these sorts of characteristic points of style has always been a bit of a visual/immersion/atmosphere issue in cricket games for me, but I'd guess that some basic variations with no gameplay consequences must be doable.
I just wonder whether they're considering incorporating any playing technique customisations in future games in the series?

Ross fielded a similiar question a while back. Basically said it would be great to give players more option for different bowling/batting styles to show themselves in the game, but due to the amount of motion capture that this requies made it unfeasble for the first itteration, but they would love to have some depth in this area in the future.
The reason I wonder is just that the lack of variation in these sorts of characteristic points of style has always been a bit of a visual/immersion/atmosphere issue in cricket games for me, but I'd guess that some basic variations with no gameplay consequences must be doable.

The point is, its a better addition if it affects the gameplay. Say you have your weight in you front foot, you get a bonus on front foot shots, similarly for the back foot ones.
A balanced stance can give you a bigger timing window.

For bat-lifts, higher ones generate more power but shorter timing window.
But I always wanted bat-lift to be part of the shot selection buttons. Holding down the aggressive trigger bigger playing the shot lifts your bat higher and gives a bonus for premeditating it. A defensive one would be lower.

In the future, I would expect bat weights would contribute too. Choosing the right bat for the right situation.
"Choosing the right bat for the right situation"

Can you name a situation where a batsmen has changed bats for reasons other than the fact it broke?
"Choosing the right bat for the right situation"

Can you name a situation where a batsmen has changed bats for reasons other than the fact it broke?

During the same match:
Yup. Batsmen use a heavier bat for initial overs. The weight contributes to the drives.
For slog overs, lighter bats make it easier to swing.

For test matches and T20s you could use heavier and lighter bats.
And moving the sweet spot down or up can help during low bounce conditions in India and Bouncy ones in Australia respectively. They players order specially made bats before every series outside home.
During the same match:
Yup. Batsmen use a heavier bat for initial overs. The weight contributes to the drives.
For slog overs, lighter bats make it easier to swing.

For test matches and T20s you could use heavier and lighter bats.
And moving the sweet spot down or up can help during low bounce conditions in India and Bouncy ones in Australia respectively. They players order specially made bats before every series outside home.

Understand when I say this, I'm not trying to be critical or harsh (honestly) but please can you reference any times when this has happened. I've never heard of this occurring in all the years I've been watching cricket.

It wouldn't make sense that a batsmen would make such a huge change that could potentially upset their focus by doing so.
During the same match:
Yup. Batsmen use a heavier bat for initial overs. The weight contributes to the drives.
For slog overs, lighter bats make it easier to swing.

Would love to see some actual evidence of this...

I've never heard of this occurring in all the years I've been watching cricket.

Exactly. Australian batsmen for example are notorious for making sure all their bats weigh the same...
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Although, back to the original post I do like the idea of different stances/actions etc. Much like the NBA2k series has.

I wouldn't want there to be certain characteristic to each as I would rather develop those as I play. Which is something I believe to be in DBC14. The more you play front foot, the better player of front foot.

It's like a cricket RPG. :thumbs
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No doubt different animations are the lifeblood of games like NBA 2k, and similarly batting stances for MLB games. For an unlicensed game like this one though, it really just comes down to variety.
With CA and the great job people have done with that, the fact that all the players can/will look different is a huge plus for this game.

Something cricket has never had before. I would argue that even FIFA don't have the level of variety we will have in this game.

Stances and actions can come later. I'm happy with the level of customization seen so far.
With CA and the great job people have done with that, the fact that all the players can/will look different is a huge plus for this game.

Something cricket has never had before. I would argue that even FIFA don't have the level of variety we will have in this game.

Stances and actions can come later. I'm happy with the level of customization seen so far.

Fifa does not even come close to the level of detail in CA.

When it comes to faces, i heard there is a way to upload your picture and it makes a 3d model of you. Not sure how good it is though.

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