Post your questions about the game here!

Everything I have seen of this game is looking rather quite splendid. So I do not wish to be bothersome but I do have a question to ask.

Cricket academy is obviously a rather powerful creation tool (the best I have seen in any sport game) so would there ever be a chance that the cricketing maidens of the world would be able to make female players in it? I am sure it would be a rather lot of work so I do not expect it to happen, the only sport game I know of that has a female player creator is NHL14, but I thought I would ask anyway.
Everything I have seen of this game is looking rather quite splendid. So I do not wish to be bothersome but I do have a question to ask.

Cricket academy is obviously a rather powerful creation tool (the best I have seen in any sport game) so would there ever be a chance that the cricketing maidens of the world would be able to make female players in it? I am sure it would be a rather lot of work so I do not expect it to happen, the only sport game I know of that has a female player creator is NHL14, but I thought I would ask anyway.

You could always create a soft faced small waisted male with long hair and redder lips maybe for now
Mike seeing as you're online can you please tell us what these mean in the CA? Is it some sort of grading?

Im sure ross will think im trolling but i have a legit question here. Why is it that licensing teams outside out England and Australia is so hard? Are the licenses for these teams still owned by someone, most likely ea? Or is it just a case that you have to negotiate with each individual board which makes it too time consuming and financially draining to be viable? Would it be plausible to try and get the rights to state and county cricket, im assuming IPL would cost mega bucks.
Im sure ross will think im trolling but i have a legit question here. Why is it that licensing teams outside out England and Australia is so hard? Are the licenses for these teams still owned by someone, most likely ea? Or is it just a case that you have to negotiate with each individual board which makes it too time consuming and financially draining to be viable? Would it be plausible to try and get the rights to state and county cricket, im assuming IPL would cost mega bucks.

Reasonable questions.

EA still owns the overall ICC license - that's why recent games have had licensed tournaments (use the teams outside of the tournament and they become generic again). AC13 was obviously licensed around the Ashes 'event' as opposed to an overall ICC license.

I'm assuming the rights to state and county cricket probably wouldn't be worth the investment as stand alone licenses, especially for a company the size of Big Ant. It really is all circumvented by the Academy though. Sure there aren't official kits, but the flexibility and accessibility (cross-platform) of the Academy is great.
The levels of cricket mate, 5 is test and 1 is beginner.

Are you sure about that because Australia is 3 on mine which wouldn't make sense.
EA still owns the overall ICC license - that's why recent games have had licensed tournaments (use the teams outside of the tournament and they become generic again).

It's one among many "Darth Vader" deals that the ICC does... but they got their money, so what do they care? EA will never make another cricket title, so they're just waiting for the right chequebook to arrive to buy it off them I guess. Even more reason to make this BigAnt game a deserving success so they've got a bigger budget to play with next time.
I'm not sure EA actually have the license, the source of that information is very suspect :wave

Dude63 is correct, the problem is negotiating with each board and then the players themselves after that (depending on what rights the board have negotiated with the players).

The Rugby Union games suffered from similar issues. The Official Rugby World Cup game did not have the licenses for many of the participants whilst Rugby Challenge had licenses for the main teams but not the World Cup itself.

Amazingly enough the better game was the one without the Official World Cup license :)

PS: Saw the post quoted by Snowy, I was relieved to see the trolling stop, thanks.
The player-model for Don looks amazing so if one day you did get a great series licence like Ashes or the world cup I can just picture how the Aussie team will look, Siddle teeth would look perfect for once.:D
I'm assuming the rights to state and county cricket probably wouldn't be worth the investment as stand alone licenses, especially for a company the size of Big Ant.

If a company did get the state/county licenses wouldnt that mean they could create each player as accurately as possible from each state/county, I could see the upside to that being that we could have official names, likeness and commentary, yes we would still need to create International teams but at least we could just transfer players from the state lists, sort of a way of bypassing the need for International Licenses. Or am i getting that completely wrong?
If you don't have Australia/England, there's no point licensing any other teams.

Besides, who doesn't prefer having A Biggs and F Ross in their New Zealand team?
Mike seeing as you're online can you please tell us what these mean in the CA? Is it some sort of grading?


I'm pretty sure 1= your team has been made and there's players in it, 2=your players have been skilled. I don't remember seeing the laurel leaf thing but I'm guessing that means they're a test team?? 3= team rating!

Hope this helps


With regards to the soundtrack and menu music does it change depending on what country your playing in?? I know its down to licenses etc but would immerse you in a tour to have digeridoo or inxs, men at work in Aus, Rolling Stones, sex pistols etc in Eng, a bit of reggae in the Caribbean etc??
Hi Ross, just a quick question. In career mode is your created player able to get promoted/demoted in the batting order? i.e. Say I was batting at 10 or 11 but had a string of strong batting performances, would I be able to move up the order to bat at 7, 8 or 9?
Really looking forward to getting this game (I've had it on pre-order since whenever pre-order first became available)! :)

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