Post your questions about the game here!

This is the thing i dont get why the quietness on the release date

IF there is issues then tell us

Becoming frustrating

We will be endeavouring to ship to all nations at the same time, indeed this is now the major stumbling block to getting the game on shelves for 2013.

He has told us the issues. There isn't a release date yet.
reading some of these posts over the last few days, a few of you are expecting far too much detail for a first installment of a brand new game made from scratch....

Agreed, good to stay grounded.

To be honest, DBC has already completely blown me away in terms of features, level of detail and insight and so on. It's only in this pre-release period now that if I think of some small detail while watching the test, I might wonder if it's in the game or not, because it's already far superceded my expectations based on cricket games to this point. They're such minor details that they're not going to change my opinion on the game if they're not in it, I just get curious based on how much is already in it, and trying to figure out the depth of teammate interaction in Career Mode and so on.

To give another example, are there kind of captain instructions given to the team, or even an individual player - for example, if the captain judges victory to be too far out of reach, would you get a message to try and be conservative and bat out the rest of the day, or in the opposite situation, to go out and take a few more risks to up the run rate and so on. Likewise, if you're captain, are you able to set these for the rest of your team? Just curious. The game already looks fantastic, and I'm just entertaining ideas that might, might, be in there that I think about while waiting for the game. :)
To be honest, DBC has already completely blown me away in terms of features, level of detail and insight and so on. It's only in this pre-release period now that if I think of some small detail while watching the test, I might wonder if it's in the game or not, because it's already far superceded my expectations based on cricket games to this point. They're such minor details that they're not going to change my opinion on the game if they're not in it, I just get curious based on how much is already in it, and trying to figure out the depth of teammate interaction in Career Mode and so on.

To give another example, are there kind of captain instructions given to the team, or even an individual player - for example, if the captain judges victory to be too far out of reach, would you get a message to try and be conservative and bat out the rest of the day, or in the opposite situation, to go out and take a few more risks to up the run rate and so on. Likewise, if you're captain, are you able to set these for the rest of your team? Just curious. The game already looks fantastic, and I'm just entertaining ideas that might, might, be in there that I think about while waiting for the game. :)
You mean like what England are doing right now, and just using the "block fest" tactic, kinda boring cricket really. I agree it would definitely be a good feature to be able to play around with how aggressive/conservative the team is with batting and bowling.
You mean like what England are doing right now, and just using the "block fest" tactic, kinda boring cricket really. I agree it would definitely be a good feature to be able to play around with how aggressive/conservative the team is with batting and bowling.

I never find "block fests" for draws boring. As someone who batted 35 overs for 1* and other similar scores last season, I find blocking very fascinating cricket.
You mean like what England are doing right now, and just using the "block fest" tactic, kinda boring cricket really. I agree it would definitely be a good feature to be able to play around with how aggressive/conservative the team is with batting and bowling.

Well, yeah, it was while watching that I was thinking about it, but sometimes it's necessary. I could point to the 2005 Ashes, when I think it was the 3rd test where the Aussie tail end had to hold on and bat out for a draw (and managed it with 1 wicket remaining if I remember correctly)? It was still enthralling cricket, but let's say you're captain in DBC and your middle over has fallen cheaply, and victory looks out of the question, but you know you still have a chance to hold on for a draw or whatever. Now if your tail enders have 'Risk Taker' mentality or something, are you able to instruct them to try and bat more conservatively for example, instead of them trying to hit a 6 or something.

That's the kind of thing I mean I suppose. If you've got a Kevin Pietersen in your side, but you know you need to bat through two full days, can you tell him to please please not play a really stupid shot and throw his wicket away? Today it was Ian Bell actually, but I digress. Same if you're coming in as a tail, can the captain tell you to either play more aggressively or conservatively to suit the aspirations of the team in that specific match. Just something that came to mind while watching today, and yeah, maybe it's not included at all, but just food for thought I suppose. There are situations when you need to, or you need your players to, play differently than you or they normally would, and I wondered if the AI would pick up on that. As Career mode is all about being an individual in a team, there's no point just you thinking "we're in trouble, I should bat a certain way", if your teammates aren't on the same wavelength.
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Well, yeah, it was while watching that I was thinking about it, but sometimes it's necessary. I could point to the 2005 Ashes, when I think it was the 3rd test where the Aussie tail end had to hold on and bat out for a draw (and managed it with 1 wicket remaining if I remember correctly)? It was still enthralling cricket, but let's say you're captain in DBC and your middle over has fallen cheaply, and victory looks out of the question, but you know you still have a chance to hold on for a draw or whatever. Now if your tail enders have 'Risk Taker' mentality or something, are you able to instruct them to try and bat more conservatively for example, instead of them trying to hit a 6 or something.

That's the kind of thing I mean I suppose. If you've got a Kevin Pietersen in your side, but you know you need to bat through two full days, can you tell him to please please not play a really stupid shot and throw his wicket away? Today it was Ian Bell actually, but I digress. Same if you're coming in as a tail, can the captain tell you to either play more aggressively or conservatively to suit the aspirations of the team in that specific match. Just something that came to mind while watching today, and yeah, maybe it's not included at all, but just food for thought I suppose. There are situations when you need to, or you need your players to, play differently than you or they normally would, and I wondered if the AI would pick up on that. As Career mode is all about being an individual in a team, there's no point just you thinking "we're in trouble, I should bat a certain way", if your teammates aren't on the same wavelength.
Yeah I can understand being forced to bat uber defensively if you've only got the tailenders out there in that situation you are basically forced to block everything (hell I had to bat out the last 10 overs and only made 1* as the number 11 to avoid the team losing outright), but as you say if you've still got top-middle order batsmen out there I would just be saying "we can still save this so get us as close as you can without playing utterly stupid shots". There were occasions in England (from what I could tell), where Australia was well position and from the openers (i.e. Cook) down, England just blocked almost everything. Was like they just gave up (and from memory the English journos and fans weren't too happy with them for doing so).
Don't get me wrong I understand the need to use to grind out tactics, but using them when you still have a realistic chance doesn't make sense to me.
It's probably quite difficult to do, but adding to Saeglopur's point, it would be nice in future versions if you tell someone to bat against their instincts, but you can see they are struggling with that and play the odd wild shot, like pietersen where he hooked to the deep or flicked to mid wicket.

One thing that annoys me about cricket coach and ICC is how you can tell someone like Collingwood to be defensive for a draw and they get caught on the boundary, so it would be nice if the AI can bat for a draw properly with defensive players. As it's a Q&A thread, my question is: can you tell your team mates what mentality to bat with in career mode when you are captain, and, if not, is this a possibly for future iterations?
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I am allowed to confirm that Don Bradman Cricket 14 is region free for both PlayStation3 and Xbox360*

*this has nothing to do with the release date
I am allowed to confirm that Don Bradman Cricket 14 is region free for both PlayStation3 and Xbox360*

*this has nothing to do with the release date

Good news. What criteria is there for this to happen? Or what does the process entail to get games region free?
I was under the impression that the PS3 didn't have region locking anyway
I was under the impression that the PS3 didn't have region locking anyway

It doesn't, unless requested by the publisher, however if I had just said Xbox360 is region free then it would have been the next question.


Good news. What criteria is there for this to happen? Or what does the process entail to get games region free?

Prove that you will have sales in NTSC territories.
Is there any pre-order bonus ?

You're going to make plenty of friends with questions like that. Have fun.


I am allowed to confirm that Don Bradman Cricket 14 is region free for both PlayStation3 and Xbox360*

*this has nothing to do with the release date

More than aware that you wouldn't be able to comment further, but considering international release at the same time is the major stumbling block to releasing this year, I am assuming that the relevance of this post is most closely aligned to your progress towards meeting this achievement.

... or perhaps it's getting late and I am reading too much into the fact that you have posted this simply to answer a question that has been asked multiple times on this forum.

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