Post your questions about the game here!

I think taunts would be a big part of online gameplay. It would be just like the real thing - how you respond to a taunt is up to you.
Yeah, can't expect the ai to be mad at you.

maybe you didnt play/see/heard of A____13 cricket,those ai were definitely bersek with rage,they were questioning their existence:D


I think taunts would be a big part of online gameplay. It would be just like the real thing - how you respond to a taunt is up to you.

Ya it would cool to have sledging part of the game with stump mic turned on:D,you can always have an option to respond to sledge and depending on player nature confidence can increase or decrease when they respond to a sledge ,that way players have to be careful on who they sledge/sledge back .

BA can may be give it as future update etc
I seem to remember seeing that you can use edited/downloaded teams in online games - how will this work in ranked games? What's stopping people from putting all of their players as maximum rated all-rounders?
I seem to remember seeing that you can use edited/downloaded teams in online games - how will this work in ranked games? What's stopping people from putting all of their players as maximum rated all-rounders?

Ross said it will be done in a way where both teams are level to stop that happening
How to play coming down the track and playing defensive shot in nets??I couldn't figure out how to do it .Is that shot we can play or it'snt at the moment?? nets i feel shots have lots of directions and i think its hard to stop a batsman when he start to hit shots so i want to know is fielders are capable to stop a fast shot or diving stops inside and outside the circle?
thank you for answering my previous question, the last cricket game i played was shane warne cricket 99, so its been a while since i had interest in any cricket game, sorry if this has been answered but are there different difficulty settings? it definitely looks like a game that will take a while to master so i am hoping for a noob setting while i am getting used to the mechanics of the game
Ross, does the Santa of BA have anything in bag for console only players(without PC)?
Yes, you get coal for not having a PC.
With the game now being delayed to 2014, will we still need a 0-Day patch or will the disk itself contain all the fixes?
Biggs, no thank you my house doors doesn't open for Santa with coal bags. :p

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