Post your questions about the game here!

I never did find out who Es was.

Not having heard the saying before visiting NZ for the first time I was shocked to hear the bloke from Sky setting up my tv commenting positively on the state of my backside......
A question guys, with regard to fielding,,,can we place certain players at desired positions or is it automated,,,say I want a silly point, that can't be G.Smith right or Kallis, do I choose who I put there?

Talking of ruining the English language.. there's an ad on TV and it has a couple of ex-pat Brits talking about a particular Australian Superannuation company.. every second line ended with 'iznit'. :facepalm

Almost as bad as 'Yunowatimean'.
Talking of ruining the English language.. there's an ad on TV and it has a couple of ex-pat Brits talking about a particular Australian Superannuation company.. every second line ended with 'iznit'. :facepalm

Ironic how they are talking about how Australian the company is when they themselves are as Australian as bread and butter pudding.
I have just come back from a holiday in Sydney for the test and while I was there I saw the Bradman museum in Bowral and have two points to make.

1) As a little side note, Michael Carberry's bat that broke in the SCG test was already there just 2 days after it happened.

2) Is my question to Ross, Square of the wicket at Bradman oval is a stone wall and I assume if a ball was to bounce into it would it do major damage and quicken the speed of the ball wear. So I am wondering if this has been taken into account when playing on Bradman oval in DBC.

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