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*It's dessert, not desert. There's a bit of irony tucked away here somewhere...[/QUOTE]

Good Learner , Keep it up ! :lol
*Good learner, keep it up! ;)

Now that that's out the way... I'm sorry but I don't understand your point?
Don't knock deep fried Mars bar till you've tried it...

When I was in Lithuania last summer, I used the Deep Fried Mars Bar to describe the problem with Scotland and health, because it is a pretty good analogy for Scottish diet issues. Now a Latvian friend of mine wants to try one if she comes to visit :(.

But Glasgow gave the world Chicken Tikka and other Indian/British curry things, so I think that makes us even...
Tatty scone, square sausage and proper porridge washed down with a bit o shortbread dipped in your tea! That's a great breakfast! I'm not a fan of haggis though!


I went into a cake shop in Glasgow, I said "is that a custard or a meringue?" The girl behind the counter replied"you're not wrong it's a custard"!!!
Scotland is one of the places to be thankful you're a vege.... although, even so, worst donuts I have ever had were on the High Street of Edinburgh walking to Murrayfield, not sure they were just selling Aussie fans crap ones or not as I certainly didn't try them again to test the theory.
Aussies ITT: Do you find those themed Australian pubs you see in Britain and other countries as cringy as I find themed Scottish things in other places? The one in my city isn't too bad (makes nice fajitas), but I can imagine that they are probably awful for an actual Aussie...
Aussies ITT: Do you find those themed Australian pubs you see in Britain and other countries as cringy as I find themed Scottish things in other places? The one in my city isn't too bad (makes nice fajitas), but I can imagine that they are probably awful for an actual Aussie...

I wandered into one last time I was in London and thought I had entered the twilight zone. Everything in there was cheap Australian souvenirs I (and I would assume most English people) had no interest in. As for the atmosphere, It could not have felt more British, nothing like an Australian pub. The man behind the counter was a large, heavily accented Brit and there was English soccer on the television. Definitely one of the weirdest experiences of my life.
I'm an Australian and I don't even know what they would sell at an Australian restaurant. Meat pies? VB on ice? I guess a good steak or some prawns could do the trick. Maybe chiko rolls would be the entr?e, and pavlova for dessert? Am I getting close?
Aussies ITT: Do you find those themed Australian pubs you see in Britain and other countries as cringy as I find themed Scottish things in other places? The one in my city isn't too bad (makes nice fajitas), but I can imagine that they are probably awful for an actual Aussie...

Nah, it's a comedy night, funny as.... from my experience the best ones are in Japan "hello Aussie cobber"

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