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Can we blame him for everything wrong with life?

Hopefully in years to come the word Fegan will become synonymous with "massive cock-up from an absolute *insert rude adjective* that ruins every nice thing in the world".

"Do you also Fegan?" is apparently already a well known term young porn starlets hear by the auditions.......
Can we blame him for everything wrong with life?

Hopefully in years to come the word Fegan will become synonymous with "massive cock-up from an absolute *insert rude adjective* that ruins every nice thing in the world".

Isnt this already used here on PC in terms of massive insult ???
"Do you also Fegan?" is apparently already a well known term young porn starlets hear by the auditions.......

like a "Dirty Fegan"?

I like it. I also like the reference to Feganisms (ie. lets release a load of poo, slap a pretty pic on it and it'll sell like hot can we not get rich?).

- Feganistic
- "You're just a real Fegan, you know that?"
- Get Feganed
- Fegan off

etc etc
like a "Dirty Fegan"?

I like it. I also like the reference to Feganisms (ie. lets release a load of poo, slap a pretty pic on it and it'll sell like hot can we not get rich?).

- Feganistic
- "You're just a real Fegan, you know that?"
- Get Feganed
- Fegan off

etc etc

Steel case edition for first person to post on Wikipedia?
Can we blame him for everything wrong with life?

This is Ross' number one passion. Blaming a competitor's game that no longer exists and wouldn't have been purchased by more than 1000 people as an excuse for going againt their publicised promise of a 2013 release is woeful form.
Some noticed two bowling options in the CA menu. Greyed out, obviously, but they were not there before (and were not supposed to be there.. someone is going to get a ruler on the back of their hands in the BA office!).

Any idea what those options do?
Lucky it wasn't covered by the bbc, all major networks in Australia, and thank god it wasn't on the front page of the Melbourne newspapers.

I am so glad that only 1000 people know about it.

Troll is a troll. A new level of pathetic. Please don't quote it, then we can ignore it.
Superstuffthat: Gaming promotional and community expert?
in CA player creator throwing accuracy means bowling accuracy, right? this will confuse lot of people. I think this will change in next update :spy

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